
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Holla at the Vegan Challah

With profuse thanks to Veggie Conquest's tweet & blogpost, I had my first challah in 9 years and it was even better than I remembered it.

Much props to Lilly's, a 30 year old "regular" company that kindly offers this eggless version to their vegan friends for the high holidays. I've seen it now at two NYC Whole Foods: Bowery & Chelsea. Feel free to write to request it from elsewhere & thank Lilly's for remembering her vegan friends (challah back, yo).

As for the taste, I'll say this: luckily I was able to stop myself after eating half the loaf. Tonight I will probably toast a slice or four...hopefully leaving a bit to try french toast style on the weekend. Challah is back, people; it's a good time to be vegan.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i don't think i've ever had challah before, but i remember it sounding pretty good. i'll have to be on the look out for this, definitely :)


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