
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Behold the Vegan Pignoli Cookie!

Mom, meet Isa & Terry: discuss.

The latest good/evil to come out of my vegetarian Mom's kitchen is the coveted, but elusive, pignoli nut cookie. Thanks to VCIYCJ and a mom who loves pignoli cookies but feels bad that her vegan daughter can't have them, the recipe was tried and conquered this weekend.

The good: YUM; I haven't had these cookies in a really long time.

The evil: I am going to burst I am so full of these delicious cookies.
(and I was still stuffed from the struffoli from last week!)

Two notes on the recipe:

1) Follow it exactly, i.e., "softened" margarine doesn't mean frozen, then half melted from the microwave (I blame this oversight for my flattened-- but still perfectly tasty-- cookies).

2) Squash as many pignolis as you can onto the cookie!

Also, note to Isa & Terry: ever think of starting a line of perfume? Because I can't stop sniffing these scrumptious smelling cookies any more than I can stop eating them.

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