
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Little Lad's Herbal Corn

Some of you have heard of it, some not.  Either way, one taste and you'll be hooked 4-eva. 

Little Lad's is a tiny, vegan, weekday, breakfast/lunch (only) spot hidden within the Financial District.  But besides all of the vegan food, they also serve a special popcorn concoction called Herbal Corn.

Herbal Corn may look like regular popcorn until you notice various speckles and other crumbage adhered to the kernals and floating haphazardly around the appetizingly clear bag.  But don't read the ingredients, just taste it.  Then try to guess.  It's one of those combinations that will have you scratching your head wondering why you'd never thought of it before, whilst you shove the rest of the bag into your face at dizzying speed: savoring the extra "herbs" at the end.

Fret not if you can't get to Little Lad's, as Urban Roots also carries Herbal Corn.  The staff is super-smiley and they won't judge you for buying four bags at a time.  Or six.

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