
Friday, April 9, 2010

Can't Get Enough of Lula's

How can you not love Lula's? Adorable shop, great people, incredible goodies. I could post about them all the livelong day, but eventually it would just read, "Yum. yum. YUM. yummmmmmmmmm" So, I will instead simply regal you with yet another set of pics of Lula's fine creations:

This gorgeous sundae is mine; you're looking at: chocolate, cookies & cream, mint chip, and maple & waffles ice cream flavors covered in hot fudge, sprinkled with ginger cream cookies, topped with coconut whipped cream, dusted with rainbow sprinkles, and set off by a cherry.  No, I'm not messing around.  Lula's get's extra credit for always remembering to give me a "catch" plate so that I don't lose any of my precious toppings as I scarf my sundae, crumbs flying everywhere.

My noshing companion is addicted to the brownie sundaes at Lula's and never, ever deviates.  Please excuse the sub-par photo and know that it does not in any way reflect the quaility of the deliciousness.  What you see is a precisely warmed Gone Pie brownie nestled underneath orange cream and mint chip ice cream, covered in hot peanut caramel sauce, Sweet & Sara mini-marshmallows, enhanced by coconut whipped cream and a cherry. 

If you haven't been there yet, what are you waiting for?  I don't care if you live in New York, across the country, or across the world; this place is inimitable in every way.

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