
Thursday, May 6, 2010

More Little Lad's Popcorn

My affinity for Little Lad's Herbal Corn is well known documented, so how could I have been completely ignorant of the fact that there are other flavors!?

For starters, there is the Snacker Jacks variety.  Sure, Cracker Jacks are vegan; but the taste is artificially sweet, there are never enough peanuts, and the prizes all stink.  On the Snacker Jacks label, Little Lad's notes, "The prize in our bag is the nutrition!!!"; how can you not love that unabashed corniness?  (See how I did that?  Corny?  Get it?  Oh, forget it.) 

Just like Herbal Corn, the taste is unexpectedly addicting even though you can't identify the ingredients.  Well, believe it or not, the flavoring is mostly molasses and tahini; what creative genius came up with that righteous combo?  Delicious.  Side note: try mixing molasses and tahini with some peanuts and add 'em yourself.  Or, eat them plain.  Also good on cauliflower.  Strange, but true.

And then there is the But-tah flavor.  As you can see from the label, it is entirely free of actual butter, gluten, sugar, chemicals, preservatives, and- most importantly- cows!  Ah vegans, such a sense of humor.  This flavor tastes like a very lightly buttered and salted popcorn; good for all of you purists out there who like to keep it simple. 

Even though I thoroughly enjoy both very flavorful Little Lad's flavors: Snacker Jacks and Herbal Corn, I must maintain that there is room in my pantry for But-tah at all times as well.


  1. My niece had a bag of the herbal and I was hooked from there. The herbal was my favorite until I had the lemon. Don't let "lemon" keep you away from trying. It's a very subtle lemon flavor and compliments the other spices and popcorn. You'll be hooked! Sandra G

    1. I'll have to try it! No popcorn has come close to the herbal for me :-)


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