
Monday, August 1, 2011

Pine Box Rock Shop Bloody Marys

Not long after meeting the proprietors of the Pine Box Rock Shop at the Dunwell Donut launch did we learn that, besides the general coolness of being an all-vegan bar, Pine Box also boasts a Bloody Mary menu.  We knew we had to go.

A group of us finally coordinated a visit recently and whoa, the place is huge.  We were there for a lazy, rainy, weekend afternoon, but no doubt it can hold several busloads of people for live musical performances

we believe this to be the Pine Box Rock Shop mascot
While others were there for the vegan brunch, we were there for the Mary's.  And Mary we did.

The menu on the left in the above picture is just the Mary's.  There is much, much more available.

As this was our fist visit, we all decided to go with the most classic- with varying degrees of heat.  You can choose your sriracha on a scale from 1-10.  Unusually cautious, I went with a 5; it had a noticeable kick, but next time I'm definitely doing a 10.  And how about these accoutrements?  It was a veritable meal in a drink!

But if you don't agree, they do carry assorted snacks (I'm coming back for you, salt & vinegar potato chips) and a variety of empanadas from the V-Spot for gorging while you're getting your drink on.

The service was friendly, the patrons hip.

Thank you to this kind woman for smiling at me while I photo-stalked her dog.

Ironic or weird?  You decide.

I'm not really a bar person, but enjoying a Mary with friends on a lazy afternoon in a vegan bar with great service is a-ok in my book.

See for yourself!

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