
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Eve Eve

This year a group of us were hoping to get together on Christmas Eve, but family plans were an impediment.  So, we created our own non-secular holiday: Eve Eve!  

Here's how it went down: we went to Hangawi for dinner.

my requisite plum juice
Our first shared appetizer was the vegetarian dumplings, fried; it was Eve Eve after all.


Next up was my fave Hangawi appetizer, combination pancakes in pumpkin, kimchi, and mushroom leek.

They kindly quartered each flavor to make it easy for our party of four to share.

For dinner I took my cue from my friend, PS, who always orders the best noodle dishes: we both went with the vermicelli stone bowl rice and I stole all her hot sauce.  I still think I prefer the avocado stone bowl, but this hit the spot.  Our fourth, HB, ordered the original vegetarian stone bowl with brown rice (it looked too much like mine to warrant another flash photo in the serene dining room).  Note: it would seem that the stone bowls no longer come with complimentary miso soup.

My bud, MVG, ordered the tofu with mixed vegetables in brown sauce; it was mild, but extremely tasty.

We all telepathically agreed to forego dessert and headed to the place where everybody knows our names, Lula's Sweet Apothecary.  I had a sundae of pumpkin, cinnamon, chocolate, and peanut butter chip ice creams...

topped with hot fudge, caramel, graham crackers, whipped cream and a cherry.  A masterpiece!

As you can see, Eve Eve was a raging success; it just might have to be a permanent celebration.

photo courtesy of BYOL
Happy Eve Eve to all, but especially to the Fab Vegan Five!


  1. Abby,

    I had a great time during eve-eve. Thank you for being such a good friend. You're a great person, and I'm grateful.

    Thank you again for the Kale belt you got me, and thank VM for the ricotta cheese!!!

    You guys rock.

    Happy Holidays!

  2. Ooh - this all looks so delicious! ^^ It looks like a fanastic time, too - so happy holidays!

  3. This looks like a tradition I could get behind.


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