
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I Forgot To Tell You About M.O.B.!

Sometimes the quantity of my blogpost drafts gets a little overwhelming (woe is me) and one or two fall between the cracks.  That's my only excuse for forgetting to tell you about M.O.B., Maimonide of Brooklyn.

The restaurant is as unique as their story

The indoor dining area is pretty tremendous, with appealing communal seating that not only fosters a genial atmosphere, but also makes terrific use of the space.  Tip: cutlery and napkins can be find in the drawers of your table.  There is also a spacious and inviting bar area if you prefer, or, a table-top Pac-Man.

if this hat could tell a story...
The outdoor space was also large, but a little generic; given the high bar set by unique aesthetic of the dining room, it has a way to go to catch up.

One of the walls is in homage to the fallen: adorned by mounted fruits and vegetables!

Fare thee well, Mr. Pepper.

The menu isn't terribly lengthy, but most of the items are vegan.  Check online for ingredients or tell your server if you're vegan; some items contain honey.

It comes presented inside a comic book, which is great if you're dining alone and aren't feeling sociable.

Phew; onto the grub. 

If you dine during weekend brunch, prepare to be served delicious, complimentary cinnamon buns!

All other times, there are kale chips.  You might not be surprised to hear that I prefer the rolls; the chips were a little oily for my taste.

For an appetizer, a friend and I shared the quinoa salad: quinoa salad with lime juice, olive oil, mixed with scallion, mint leaves and jalapeno. Topped with baby candy beets, fresh avocado, toasted punpkim seeds and toasted cumin seed.  Fresh and light; this is the type of thing I always intend to prepare at home over a bed of greens, but never do. 

I was happy that another friend let me try her corn soup: popcorn, curry, sea salt, corn, miso, soymilk; it was really one of the best soups I've ever had: definitely on my must-order list for next time.  I heard a rumor that they were serving it chilled for the late summer months, but I would imagine that it's excellent at any temperature.

Since it was my first visit, I had to get one of their eponymous M.O.B.s; I chose the iron man: roasted shiitake mushroom, sautéed kale, horseradish aioli, parsley.  My friend had the same, and they were served together (but separate) in a cool, Brooklyn Bridge-shaped, metal tray.

Don't mistake this for a pizza; the idea may be similar, but the elements are much more unique.  The crust (yes, it's edible) is unlike any "bread" I've every tasted and, along with the shiitakes I don't normally gravitate to, managed to work very well with the ingredient combination: especially the rich, hollaindaise-like sauce.

Another friend had the brunch pancakes.

photo credit: JD Gut
And the only other non-repeat order of our clan was this eggplant sandwich that I think may also have been a brunch special that day.

photo credit: BYOL
It's a bit difficult to succinctly and/or adequately describe the seemingly non-cohesive cuisine at M.O.B., but as we told the couple who were considering going in as our group was headed out, "It's really different and really good."  I bid you the same advice and I look forward to returning.

Lest you think I'm holding out on you, I skipped dessert because we were headed to the Mermaid Parade and I was anxious to get to Coney. 

one of my faves


even the dogs were in the spirit

human sushi!

not sure if this was intended to be abstract or if she was a jellyfish, but I really liked it

not all those in body paint also wore clothes


2nd Roland sighting!

great play on words
time for some fun

stationary cars are for wusses

during a still moment
Yes, the Mermaid Parade; that should give you an indication of my posting delinquency.

And finally, dessert.

Lula's: peanut butter chip and drumstick on a sugar cone.


  1. complimentary cinnamon rolls?!?!?!??! sold :)

  2. I think you have too many vegan food options in NYC. Makes others feel bad. Sniff.

    The parade looks fun, too, as does the ice cream.

  3. glutenfreehappytummy- I know, right?

    Andrea- It has really grown exponentially the last couple of years. The problem is that when I travel to other "vegan-friendly" cities I am extremely disappointed. I'll keep trying, though.


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