
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blogger's Resolution to Eradicate Outdated Drafts (and try new things!)

There are all kinds of New Years' resolutions to be made, and I suspect many of you have already broken a few.  One that I'd like to keep is to eradicate my blog of the ridiculous amount of posts that hang out in the drafts section- at a 10% ratio to my actual published posts.

So, if you'll forgive me the delay, I hope you will enjoy the somewhat belated posts that are to come your way in the early part of this year.

In other news, how on Earth have I never paired Daiya with avocado before?

What started out as a gourmet (to me) grilled cheese turned into a whole wheat quesadilla of sorts.  One one side, the cool: mashed avocado with salt, pepper, onions, and tomatoes.

One the other, the hot: cheddar Daiya, black beans, and fresh jalapeno.

All I did was microwave the hot side for a minute, slap on the cool side, and flip (crucial because otherwise the hot side sticks to the plate in a mushy mess).

If you too have yet to try this pairing, don't just take my word for it.  This is a quick assemble and munch; you won't be sorry.

Old(er), as-yet-unpublished blog posts comin' atcha soon...


  1. You scared me for a minute. I thought blogger was independently going to eliminate draft posts. Whew. It's just you going to do it. The cheese sandwich looks good. Anything with avocado looks good.

  2. Yum Yum Gimme Some. (or I'll just look from here.) I'd go spicy all the way.


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