
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Shakes on a Train: Terri Opens in the Financial District, Makes Dreams a Reality

Rumors have been swirling for some time that Terri was to open a second location in the city.  Not too long ago, it came to fruition: in the Financial District.  My initial reaction was, "Oh, boo; I'm rarely, if ever, that far downtown."  But, then my wheels started turning...  OD worked in the World Trade Center for years and still has a lot of contacts in the neighborhood: most notably, his dentist.  That would ostensibly mean that at least twice a year I could have Terri delivered to my door- FREE OF CHARGE (wink, wink); I immediately got to work writing instructions on a drink caddy.

You read that right:

I was able to ascertain from VM a reliable source when his next appointment was scheduled and emailed him my inaugural order: almost a month in advance.  Then I began peppering him with questions about his general dental health.  The mission is Terri optimization You can't neglect those chompers!

VM and I chatted excitedly about the impending delivery, dubbing it Operation BFS.  Before we knew it, the day had arrived.  For VM, our favorite chickpea "tuna" melt: chickpea salad, Daiya cheddar, tomato, red onions, Vegenaise.  She chose not to reheat it and it was TERRIFIC as is.

I decided to try something highly recommended that I'd never had before and went with the bacon cheddar chicken ranch: "chicken", soy bacon, Daiya cheddar, ranch sauce, lettuce.  I put it in a 375 degree oven for about ten minutes and it was great as well.

What a nice dinner on what would have ordinarily been a night of leftovers in front of the tv (not that there's anything wrong with that).  The one thing that was missing, though, was potato salad.  I actually did order it, and OD did buy it; unfortunately, it was invisible.  I tried to call the cafe, but the number I had contained too many digits.  And, for some reason, I couldn't convince OD to go back for it.  Until next time, potato salad!

(212) 74669-686897 [I didn't really try to call!]

Truth be told, I wasn't exactly sure if OD was going to be able to deliver the real goods.  Sammies are one thing, but schlepping shakes on a subway and bus in 75 degree weather is no easy feat.  "Snakes on a Plane" are one thing, but shakes on a train is entirely another.

But, he did it; he secured our Butterfinger shakes.  HE REALLY DID IT!  The lids were firmly taped on, he'd frozen them as suggested, and now it was time to drink them!

VM has no self control is a Terri Butterfinger shake fanatic.  She drank around the edges as it defrosted and even resorted to a spoon at some points.


I, on the other hand, managed to maintain decorum and allowed my shake to defrost for 2 hours before partaking in its glorious perfection. 


And, I'm happy to report that even though it had traveled, been frozen and defrosted, it was just as I'd hoped.  For those of you who aren't familiar, the Terri Butterfinger shake tastes like an ice-cold, super-thick, liquified butterfinger.  In other words: YUM.  Because of the success of the mission, I've already floated the idea of keeping multiple shakes frozen in our respective freezers at all case of emergencies.

But, wait; there's more.  Apparently Terri had samples of baked goods on the counter and OD was so impressed by the banana cake that he got us each a slice.

Full disclosure: I'd made my own banana cake earlier in the week.  This was, admittedly, much better.  So moist and springy!  I'm also a sucker for a sprinkle of cinnamon.  Let's just say that in a showdown between mine and Terri's, the Esteemed Tasting Panel unanimously sided with the professionals.  My feelings are hurt just so much that another Butterfinger shake will be sufficient to ease the pain.  XOXOXO, OD!

All of our best of luck to Terri: especially in their new Financial District digs.  I can't always make it to their location in Chelsea, so it's nice to know that I'm guaranteed a downtown feast twice a year (at least?).  The report from OD was that the staff could not have been nicer and could not have taken greater care to pack the order so that it could sustain its considerable journey (he's been instructed to take an establishment shot for context next time).  If you haven't yet given them a try, I urge you to do so at once!


  1. You're so funny. I love the enthusiasm with which you pursue your favorite foods. I hope there are a lot of Butterfinger shakes in your future, though I'm hesitant to say that because I don't want to imply a lot of dental work for OD. Maybe you could recreate the recipe?

  2. Andrea, there are some things that are better left to the professionals. If I could recreate the Butterfinger shake at home, I might never eat anything else.

  3. Pecan, We never go there, so I have to resort to other sources. Also, he doesn't drink; so, delivering lychee martinis would be out of the question. PS let's go there too!

  4. Glad it defrosted to a good texture! maybe if he drinks more of those shakes, he'll have to go to the dentist more often, thereby securing more chances for more shakes....and so on into a sugar shake oblivion.
    Feelin that tuna melt too.

  5. foodfeud- would you believe he didn't get a shake for himself? He's weird; he generally won't eat vegan in public unless it's in the presence of extraordinary vegan greatness like Blythe of Lula's or Danielle from Vegan Treats. At home he's all Gone Pie and Sweet and Sara.

    P.S. That tuna melt is the best sammie in the joint!

  6. I'd have eaten my shake frozen with a spoon! Back in my pre-gan days I'd get Butterfinger or cookie dough Blizzards and freeze those puppies before eating for maximum pleasure. I think I just like chewing more than drinking. But I like soft serve more than hardpack ice cream. I'M AN ENIGMA! LOL.

  7. Melissa, I did forget to mention that there are chunky bits in the shake that require chewing regardless of temperature. I don't know what they are, but they taste like the pieces of candy bar in a Blizzard! When are you coming to NY so I can make you gain 1,000 pounds?

  8. great post and even better story!

    Now that you have Vita, you'll be able to create shakes like the pros!


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