
Monday, September 16, 2013

Keep Your Greens Crisp in a Vejibag (VeganMoFo 2013)

89 does her part, but as a singleton, it's sometimes a race to finish all of the produce in the fridge before it's past its prime.  I've tried those green bags, but I can't help but feel that the condensation that accumulates on the bottom means my lettuce is sweating.  Besides, the last thing I need is more plastic in my life.  Fast forward to foodfeud blogging about vejibag, and I was extraordinarily intrigued.

As luck would have it, vejibag was generous enough to send me a bag for review.

Are you wondering what a vejibag is?


The vejibag came with simple instructions that I, of course, had to over-complicate.  To start, should I wash it in the washing machine before using?  Yes.  After I wet it, how hard do I wring it out?  Hard enough so that it's not dripping, but not so hard that it's practically dry: moisture is the key.  And later, do I fold the bag closed in the fridge or leave it open?


I folded it over like those confusing "sandwich" bags and have been doing so ever since; it seems to do the trick.

For the initial test, every morning- for 6 days straight, I reached into the bag to grab a huge handful of spinach for my green smoothie.  The spinach was fresh and crisp each time: right up until the last leaves.

I thought spinach would be the best test for the bag because 1) I use so much of it, and 2) I'd rate it's hardiness halfway between iceberg (limp) and kale (robust).  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to test the vejibag with anything else because I've since been addicted to using it for my spinach, which is always around for my daily smoothies.  Probably time to get another bag for other things.

spinach, banana, blueberries, flax, cinnamon, almond milk, water

And you should too.  It's true: "No more slimy vegetables."

You can buy them directly from their website and I highly suggest that you do. No one likes slimy vegetables.


  1. It's a cool little bag, no? I use it a lot and it's super easy to clean.

  2. Looks cool. It's nice that you and Maud got to sample them.

  3. I didn't know you were supposed to keep it damp and in the fridge to store the veggies. I don't recall picking up on that aspect of it in other reviews.

  4. So clever! We get some bags here but they are definitely a type of plastic, and they are also meant to keep veggies fresh. Will look into these cloth ones!

  5. okay i need this. How did you not tell me about this sooner??? I thought we were friends!

  6. Interesting stuff - anything that stops that vegetables to weird slimy brown goo transition is a good thing!

  7. foodfeud- I don't know what I did without it! I wash it on the 7th day with my dishtowels and I skip a smoothie that day ;-)

    Andrea- It really is fantastic; I highly recommend.

    The Shenandoah Vegan- You scared me; I thought I was wrong and just checked. But, yep.

    Mandee- I am really impressed. And I'm not easily impressed.

    BYOL- I'm sorry! I don't know why. Weren't you wondering where I was keeping all my FRESH, persnickety spinach?

    Joey- I can't stand the slime!!

  8. This would help so much. I get bored if I only get one type of greens a week, but I can't eat it all if I get multiples. A couple of these bags would be helpful!


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