
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Gentle Barn: Creating a Sanctuary Where Animals Heal and Children Learn to Hope

I've always been a voracious reader, but life- including 89, blogging, and various electronic devices (including a fitbit!), has recently gotten in the way much more than than I care to let continue.  A short while ago, I was contacted by the publisher about doing a review of My Gentle Barn: Creating a Sanctuary Where Animals Heal and Children Learn to Hope by Ellie Laks.  I was anxious to learn all about the sanctuary that I've heard Ellen rave about, but at the time I was in the middle of reading another riveting non-fiction tome and, when I finished, decided to bring a much lighter (physically and in content) read on vacation with me.  Fast forward to it taking me an embarrassingly long month (!) to finish that novel when I suddenly found myself home sick for two days with a snuggling pup and no excuse not to lose myself in a book.

I could have easily finished it on the first day, but I purposefully took a break to let the whole story unwind in my head and absorb in my heart after I was a bit more than midway through; My Gentle Barn was truly a joy to read.  Rather than being made inconsolable by the overwhelming cruelty in the world, you will be touched by Ellie's triumphs; the gravity of the subject matter is presented in a manner that makes you feel hopeful, not hopeless.

My Gentle Barn isn't simply a description of how a sanctuary began: it's a complex journey centered around how one woman's innate need to help animals guided her life's work towards the grand scale with which The Gentle Barn fulfills her mission.  From dogs to "farm animals" to horses, Ellie Laks and her husband Jay have expended almost all of their energy on saving as many animals as possible: providing rehabilitation and sanctuary in even the most dire of circumstances- at one point literally saving their entire, rescued brood from what seems like certain death during a wildfire.

If there's one thing I'm learning as I get older and have the pleasure of meeting more people involved directly in the saving and sanctuary of animals, it's that you have to be fearless and go with your gut.  Ellie has the chutzpah to go with her gut every time and countless animals have had the opportunity to live out their days loved and in peace as a result.

There are many reasons why I don't make a living within the animal rights community- most of which are admitted weaknesses.  But my admiration for those who do has increased monumentally as a result of having read Laks' life's tale.  I could not recommend the book more highly: for animal lovers of any ilk.  It is especially touching how Ellie seamlessly incorporates personalized context for so many issues: for example, in the midst of sharing the story of an individual calf, she matter-of-factly exposes the cruelty of the dairy industry.  This book is not just for vegans, it's for anyone who "loves animals" but hasn't yet made the connection as to what that really means.

And for those people who think that by choosing to stand up for animals you are consciously choosing to turn your back on humans, think again.  Laks' mission has always been to simultaneously help animals and to provide a safe haven for at-risk and special needs youth; it's incredible to read how she manages to do so- by allowing young people to see themselves in another living thing.  I cannot help but to think what a generation armed with the kind of passion Ellie can ignite within could be capable of accomplishing.

Truly a must-read and, for me, The Gentle Barn is now on my list of must-visits.  Get involved!


  1. Thanks for writing such an inspiring review. When I was offered a copy, I had so much stuff piling up I didn't see myself writing a review any time soon, so I declined I think I'll just have to buy a copy and read it for myself — I never feel like I do enough for animals. I'm especially impressed with the way Laks is able to help both animals and young people in need of compassion.

  2. 'Inspiring' is definitely the word. Thanks for letting us know about the place. We have Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary near hear which sounds very similar to the Gentle Barn.

    1. I've heard so much about Poplar Spring, but haven't been! So far Farm Sanctuary, Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, for the Animals, and Primarily Primates.

  3. This sounds wonderful. I'll have to see if we have it in at work. I've always wanted to visit a Sanctuary but have yet to do so. It's always nice to hear about what books people are reading, even besides books for animal lovers.

    1. Right! I just finished Empty Mansions, which was dry but VERY interesting.

  4. Inspiring is correct. I loved the facts and the stories interweaved.

  5. I learned about this beautiful book through Kristy of Keepin’ It Kind, I used to be a voracious reader like you, but realized I haven’t touched my Kindle or any books for a few years now. I really need to back into reading! What an exceptional book review, it sounds so beautiful to read!


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