
Friday, October 3, 2014

Chloe's Vegan Italian Kitchen: Italian PEACH Cake

This is just a quick, spotlight post solely about my* Italian apple peach cake (torta di mela pesca)! 

You might be wondering where this beautiful cake came from?  Well, my copy of *Chloe's Vegan Italian Kitchen just arrived and, per usual, I went straight for dessert.

I hate am not a fan of apples, so I subbed fresh peaches (a significantly superior fruit minus the skin) that were a gift from my neighbors.

Here was the cake right out of the oven: pre-flip. Full disclosure: I made two; you can see the second one on the background.






And, devoured.

You can find this cake recipe on Chloe Coscarelli's website (I highly recommend subbing peaches for phenomenal result), but if this is any indication of what the rest of the book will produce it's fair to say that it belongs in your collection asap. Mangia (I couldn't resist).


  1. Sounds really good. I got fresh nectarines and peaches earllier this week. So good. Too good to me be into pies.

    1. I hate peach skin (fuzz!) so it was the perfect use. Nectarines I'll eat straight up.

  2. That's beautiful! I love peaches but I don't often bake with them because they're so expensive here.

    1. That makes total sense. I've heard from a reliable source that you can also use frozen fruit. Also, try anything! Gonna do blueberries next...then cherries...possibly plums.

  3. I love Chloe's kitchen but I've been hesitant about an italian cook book (being a non italian from staten island, my take on all italian food is "meh") but if there is cake involved then I'm probably in.....

    1. I've never met anyone who didn't love Italian food! VM is a great Italian cook but she's not a great recipe sharer. I'm hoping this will fill in the gaps. PS I've now made this cake 5 times instead of trying something else in the book.

    2. Make that two non-fans of Italian food! But the cake looks yummy!

  4. I can taste it with my eyes! (pretty gross, huh?) Does the juicyness of the Peaches alter the measurements at all?

    1. So, these are not things Abby Bean thinks about. The answer is no, but I didn't know that going in. I was advised to be careful with oranges. Now I'm picturing your eyeballs.

  5. The oven is on!!! Such a simple recipe that turns out perfect with most fruit.

  6. Beauuuutteeeeful! The dusting of confectioner's sugar is a nice touch too. I like both apples AND peaches (plus I froze some from the summer) so maybe I will make two, too.

    1. The dusting is in the recipe, but it reminds me of my grandma :-). Do make two too!!!

  7. Your cake looks great, and you're brave to mess with an upside-down cake recipe! I've made a few (pineapple) upside-down cakes in my life, and while they were delicious and the majority of them flipped just fine, just thinking about flipping those things fills me with dread. That one moment can make or break your previous hour of work!

    1. Really? I've made a zillion pineapples and have never had a problem so I didn't even know to be scared! I've now made this 5 time; I think it's safe to say it's a keeper and an easy flip ;-)

  8. Your neighbour brought you peaches? We need to swap neighbours! Oddly enough, the only way I like to eat apples is baked in cakes, but I can see the attraction for the swap here. Give me a pint of tea and a slice of that and I'd be away.

    1. This cake is so good that I might even concede apples would be good too, but the peach is pure dreaminess.


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