
Monday, December 22, 2014

M.O.B. For Two Celebrations

So, I'm embarrassed to say that this post is SO overdue: I started it in 2013! Apparently, this is an M.O.B. theme of mine.
Still, YUM!

Last year for Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve a bunch of us went to M.O.B. for dinner. Though their menu is small, it is varied. So,it's hard to make a decision (also vegans are programmed to accept the single veganizable menu item, so choices can sometimes make our heads spin).

These are the kale chips they give you while you're pondering.


One friend ordered the corn soup: popcorn, curry, sea salt, corn, miso, soymilk that I always covet. It's amazing but somehow I never order it for myself.

Roasted sunchokes were a special of the day (so long ago).

World's tiniest salad or largest citrus wedges?

Somehow my lemonade wound up all over the table. No one had been drinking heavily; it was pure clumsiness.

Ok, does anyone remember what or whose this is? VBA, I'm looking at you.

None of this matters, of course, because so many of us ordered M.O.B.'s incredible mac & cheese: in a creamy sweet potato and cashew cream with smoked pecans, grilled broccoli rabe and sauteed artichokes (note: it's now served with oyster mushrooms instead).


This is a rich, satisfying meal that I'm pretty sure you could eat all day every day if given the opportunity. In advance of our visit we'd ogled many IG photos in anticipation, then posted a trillion of our own in appreciation.

THEN a big group of us visited again in the summer for another special occasion.
This time my lemonade stayed in the glass.

Because it had piqued my interest at our Christmas Eve dinner (I try not to make a habit of photogging everyone's dish), I ordered the MOB dog deluxe with all the fixings: traditionally spiced carrot, mushroom, and chickpea dog, mustard & ketchup, Brooklyn brine sauerkraut & relish on a sweet potato dog roll with choice of crispy fries, potato wedges, salad (what do you take me for?). I loved the presentation:

The dog, however, did not live up to my extremely high expectations...or the impressive plating and assembly. For starters, it's HUGE! The frank itself could have easily been halved and that would have made it much easier to stuff in my face enjoy. Great bun & condiments but everything was overshadowed by the enormous furter. Second, the dog is kind of Yeah Dawg style, but...I'd choose YD over this one. Also, the fries were kind of meh. Don't get me wrong; I ate them all, but overall I wouldn't order this again. I will take my own advice and eat the mac forever.

A bud of mind ordered the MOB burger deluxe: crimini mushroom burger, your choice of freshly baked whole wheat or potato roll, secret sauce, Brooklyn Brine pickles, charred onions, tomatoes, smoked eggplant and lettuce with choice of crispy fries/potato wedges/salad. Again, great presentation (though sub-par photo on my part).

I'm not a huge burger fan, but he liked it a lot- particularly interesting given he's not a mushroom lover. In my opinion, the (healthier option) potato wedges were good but not great (yeah, I stole one).

So, another vote for the mac!

Overall, I'm a fan of M.O.B. and I'm glad to see that they've added a few new options- particularly to their appetizer menu. It has a great interior and a nice vibe, so I look forward to what direction their menu takes in the future. In the meantime, MAC 4eva!


  1. Haha, well, it may be an overdue post but at least the first half is timely. How did you like the sunchokes? I put some in a salad recently and they were just ok. Pretty sure I just don't know how to prepare them.
    Still have yet to visit m.o.b but at least now if I go I know to order the mac & cheese.
    No dessert??

    1. I am perplexed by sunchokes. It wasn't my dish, but I recall tasting them and they were yummy.

      So, I can't remember exactly with what, but I do recall having stuffed myself that entire day to the point that I was barely able to eat my whole mac plate. Disappointing, I know. Friends who are regulars say they have some good options, but I've still failed you with my gluttony.

  2. I couldnt figure out how you could be Mother of the Bride twice unless 89 got hitched, split and re-hitched. But she doesnt seem like the type,

  3. That mac looks amazing, I hope I get to eat it one day!

  4. hahah that was my dish! but i definitely have no recollection as to what it was haha [you're asking me after all! ;) ]


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