
Friday, November 20, 2015

Bouldin Creek: Vegan Austin Texas

Although we were in Austin for a very short time, looking back it sure does seem like we did an awful lot of eating. I swear it was really only 3 meals a day, max.

Because there were too many places to hit up, we asked around during our travels for recommendations that would narrow down our list: Bouldin Creek Cafe was one that came up over and over. So we went!

Bouldin Creek is vegetarian with vegan options.
We went for dinner, so it was dark out. But here's some under-exposed photos to give you an idea of the outdoor vibe:

Bouldin Creek had a ton of quirky personality: first evidenced by this sign as you enter.

The dining room was rustic and dimly lit, so advance apologies for the extremely sub-par food photos that are to follow.

You get the idea:


 Peep our drinks: weird Topo Chico, cherry soda, Original Sin hard cider.

For dinner I had the South Austin Stir Fry: rice noodles tossed in a teriyaki ginger-miso sauce with broccoli, red onions, shitake mushrooms, carrots, and red and green cabbage with crushed peanuts and a sriracha drizzle. I did not add a side salad because it's all about the noodles.

One pal had the Aztec Pasta: spicy penne pasta tossed with sundried tomatoes, mushrooms, and organic spinach in a chipotle-pesto/marinara sauce, topped with green onions and served with ciabatta bread. I have to say it again- this photo is not a fair representation.

I somehow neglected to take a photo of the third dish of the evening, and I'm sorry to report that we did not have dessert (if memory serves, that was the evening we went to Sweet Ritual). However, in lieu of that fun, I offer you alternative excitement: this cool sign in the restroom.

And these awesome handles on the restroom stall doors.

I love anything out of the ordinary and Bouldin Creek did not disappoint on that front.


  1. I really wanted to go here when we were in Austin, but alas I could not get there. I must visit again!! Austin is awesome. ;)

    1. I think I'll just move in to Sweet Ritual if I go back.

  2. Imma gonna say the cherry soda belonged to you?


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