
Monday, November 9, 2015

Daiya Pizzas- I tried them so you don't have to

As promised, more pizza! I gave these Daiya pizzas a try even though I've held a grudge against them ever since this happened.

First up was the fire-roasted vegetable pizza, which was a little less appealing looking than I'd hoped. There was just something unsavory about the oddly chopped veggies that rubbed me the wrong way and it wound up tasting no more than fine. Fine pizza is an oxymoron.

Next up was the margherita pizza, which was way more up my alley: just look at all of that cheese. I added sliced rockets: olives double stuffed with jalapenos and garlic.

While this pizza was definitely the favorite of the two- thanks in no small part to the cheddar mixed in with the mozzarella, it just didn't do it for me overall.

This had to do, in large part, with the thin crust. While thin crust is never my crust of choice, this was like a thick, tasteless cracker. [UPDATE 11/11/15: windy city vegan has kindly pointed out that this is a gluten-free pizza, so that explains a lot; please see her comment below.] The ratio of sauce to cheese was fine, but overall it was another meh; a grilled cheese would have been equally satisfying. No, probably moreso.

Guess I'm just over Daiya in more ways than one.


  1. Wow, I hadn't heard what Daiya did at that booth with the grilled cheese. I am all set with them.

    1. They were originally marketed as "Daiya Vegan Cheese" and at some point removed the "vegan" from their moniker and have distanced themselves from vegans. It's really a shame.

  2. I was super disappointed in the daiya pizzas as well. The crust is the worst crust I've ever tasted for a frozen pizza! And they aren't exactly cheap either. I'm shocked about the booth.

    1. Windy City Vegan has pointed out that the crust is GF, which I definitely didn't realize. But, I still am not a fan of a company who builds a vegan base and then is disrespectful to that contingent.

  3. I've only had it once, and really don't remember what I thought of it. Guess this post reminds me why I wouldn't! Your stuffed olives sound pretty great, however!

    1. Those olives are amazing! They're usually at specialty stores, but sometimes I can find them at Homegoods...

  4. Okay, I feel like I need to be the gluten free ambassador or something here - the reason the crust is so flat and not-in-a-good-way-crispy is because it is gluten free. Gluten free *and* vegan. And as a gluten free vegan who does not have time to make crust from scratch and who does not want chemical/additive/binder-laden GF+vegan crust (which is almost impossible to find without crappy additives and/or eggs and/or milk powder), well, I just want to make sure that everyone hating on Daiya's crust realizes that 1) it's gluten free, and 2) it does not taste like nasty bean flour.

    Sorry for the rant! I'm stressed about finals and had to get that off my chest.

    1. Oh my gold, I'm so glad you decided to be the ambassador because, as a gluten-eater, I 100% did not notice that this pizza was gluten-free! Thank you for pointing that out. While it still doesn't interest me, I will definitely update the post to reflect this. PS: nasty bean flour? lol

  5. That was lousy of Daiya to serve non-vegan bread. Very confusing to see 'dairy free' labels and then see eggs in the list if ingredients.

  6. Urgh, that's a mean trick with the eggs. And considering veganism too exclusive - funny really, as I'd considered it the opposite (vegan food being good for people with all sorts of religious and allergy food restrictions, cheap etc etc) I also really don't like Daiya, and I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one! I thought not liking Daiya was one of those dirty vegan secrets people kept to themselves... Glad to be out in the open!


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