
Friday, July 1, 2016

Give me all the Screamers Pizza

I rarely get to have fun on weekdays, but last week I got to have lunch at the new, vegan pizzeria in Brooklyn: Screamers!!


Brought to you by the folks behind both Champ's (love) and Philly's Blackbird, this true slice pizza joint is located at the former site of Champ's Junior in Greenpoint.

Their website doesn't yet offer a whole hell of a lot of information, but I took a pic of their awesome selections so that you can start dreaming of what slice you'll want to try first. It’s hella hard to read, so why don’t you just head on over and take my word for everything being awesome?

Because we're professionals, my pal and I ordered 4 slices to share. The woman who helped us was kind enough to cut each slice in two, which saved us what surely would have been some messy embarrassment.


On the left:
SUPREME seitan pepperoni, bell peppers, seitan sausage, onion, tomato sauce, vegan cheese.

On the right:  
WHITE garlic oil, vegan cheese, almond ricotta, broccoli rabe, carmelized onions.

On the left:  
SCREAMERS garlic oil, vegan cheese, cremini & oyster mushroom, parsley, almond parmesan.

On the right:  
CLEAN SLIDE long hot pesto, broccoli rabe, vegan cheese, seitan sausage, sesame seeds, tomato sauce.

Every bite delivered decadent pizza goodness, but I think the supreme and white were my favorites so far. I've been dreaming about this pizza ever since and I can't wait to go back. Pro tip: ask them to heat your slices extra long so that they're burn-the-roof-of-your-mouth hot.

If you're lucky like us, you'll meet an extremely friendly pooch outside; this one was wearing a cutie purple bow and let me hug her.

If all this isn't enough to convince you to run to Screamers, you should definitely follow them on Instagram in order to keep up with all of their drool-inducing shots.


  1. Yesss! I was so excited to hear about this place. Vinnie's is right down the block on Bedford, have you been there? They have pretty good slices but sometimes they aren't quite fresh, if that makes sense? These look a little better. But anyway, more options is always good.
    I had just eaten when I saw their $2 slice pizza day :( but soon I will go - it's right near yoga, so that's a nice afterwards treat, right?

    1. I actually love Vinnie's and I've never met a pizza slice I didn't like (except for gluten-free). Definitely try this place: lots of options and a great old skool pizza place vibe. Pizza plus yoga sounds as good of a combo as any, but I prefer it paired with movies and being a general layabout ;-)

  2. You are so lucky to have this place near you! The slices look amazing!

  3. Well, it is nice to know such places do exist outside of my dreams.

    1. Well, you have beautiful scenery, exotic flowers and fruit!


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