
Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Excuse my tardiness; I recognize that I'm a little behind! Okay, actually a lot behind, but that's a story for another post(s). It was just Passover, peeps! And you know what that means: VM does all the cooking.

Here's 89, moments before she fell asleep waiting for the reading to end and for dinner to start.

Charoseth on matzoh, a.k.a. the only time I eat apples.

The piece-de-resistance: VM's famous matzoh ball soup- new and improved with the Follow Your Heart vegan egg. Don't be jealous of the middle ball's carrot hat.

Looky who woke up for some soup.


The festive meal: a packed plate (not mine!) of kugel, sweet potato, string beans, and Brussels sprouts.

It took 89 a few days to find the afikomen because someone hid it six feet in the air. CORRECTION: it took me a few days to realize why 89 was sniffing the air under a six foot high shelf.


  1. I am laughing that she took so long to locate the afikomen!! Good thing their noses work better than our memories! Ha ha!

    It looks like a lovely and delicious holiday - and serious props to VM and her soup!!

    1. Thank you! I benefit entirely from her mad skillz. And oh my, I think her nose improves as my memory fades.


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