
Monday, December 11, 2017

Korilla BBQ: Korean Seasonal Kitchen- Quick Review

On Saturday I was trudging through the relentless slushfall with a pal and we stopped into Story to do some holiday shopping. The Korilla food truck was parked out front, but I didn't think anything of it until, when I made my purchase, I was given a token to get a free lunch. So cool!


But, I reserved my excitement until I could get outside to check for vegan options and, lo and behold, I was shocked to find that there were vegan Vs all over the build-your-own burrito/rice bowl/salad bowl menu! My eyes just darted around:

Protein option: organic tofu baked with garlic, gluten free soy sauce, red pepper, and sesame. Vegan!

Seasonal toppings: kale, roasted corn, sweet black beans. Vegan!

Sauce: Vegan Korilla mild & smokey favorite made with silken tofu. VEGAN!!!

All options come with your choice of sticky rice, or a blend of sticky, black and brown rice, which is what I chose for my burrito.

They handed it to me all perfectly wrapped up with a smile and I couldn't wait to eat it.

I brought it home and heated it up in the oven so the burrito even got a little crisp on the outside. Then, with anticipation, I sliced it in half to prepare to eat and... womp womp.

The cross section looked like I'd taken a time machine to the early nineties where wraps filled with unseasoned tofu, greens, and rice were the vegan option du jour. I promise you, I took a bunch of pics and none were any better, so I'm using the one with 89 because at least she's interesting to look at.

I have to say, I just don't get it. Korilla obviously went to the the trouble to include vegan (not vegetarian!) options across the board, but nothing had any taste. After the first bland bite, I specifically ate some of each of the ingredients separately. None had any flavor- let alone any spice, aside from natural flavor. Along with the seemingly unseasoned tofu, the kale tasted like it was sauteed without even salt & pepper; the corn tasted naturally fresh and sweet; the black beans just tasted like black beans. As for the vegan Korilla sauce? I don't know know where it could have gone to, but if it absorbed into any of the other ingredients in its travels, I certainly didn't see or taste it.

Aside from Hangawi, Franchia, and Cinnamon Snail's Korean BBQ seitan, I'm not overly familiar with Korean food, but surely it must be more flavorful than this? I'm grateful for the plentiful vegan options at Korilla, but I'm hoping they can kick this up quite a few notches for future vegan menu choices; if I have to slather your food in pedestrian sriracha, it really isn't cutting it.


  1. Yay for vegan food truck options! I'm fascinated by food trucks! I hope to attend a festival soon!

  2. That is disappointing! The burrito does look like it would be dry and likely less tasty than it could be. I wish I had more knowledge of Korean food to point their chef in the right direction!

    1. I'm guessing if you open a business called "Korean Seasonal Kitchen," you already have a working knowledge of the cuisine? Sometimes tastes/flavors just get lost in the vegan translation...


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