
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Vegans Unite: Hot Chocolate at The Bent Spoon

Despite all of the rumors I'd heard of The Bent Spoon's soy, frozen hot chocolate, the vegan version never manifested itself this past spring and summer.  Disappointing though it was, with winter almost upon us I am happy to report that the vegan, soy, euro-style hot chocolate has already made an appearance.  Thusly, so have I.

Expect for it to take a few minutes to prepare*, but keep in mind that it will be time well spent.  If you're taking it to go, remember to grab a sturdy lid to ensure that your drinking chocolate stays good and hot; use the cool slide-y mechanism when you want to sneak a sip.

Behold the thick, rich, truly chocolately drink; this ain't no powder mix out of a pouch, people.

And remember to support vegan options wherever you find them-- especially when they are executed as exquisitely as The Bent Spoon's hot chocolate.

Special thanks to Betsy who is always super-sweet & uber-welcoming to vegans!

*UPDATE: As of mid-December, The Bent Spoon has soy hot chocolate on tap!  With some Sweet & Sara mini-marshies we'd really be all set...

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