
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Creamy Zucchini Hummus

Have you ever noticed that no matter how many vegetables are available on an upscale, non-vegan restaurant's menu, more often than not they can't think to offer you anything more than a plateful of olive oil-doused, mushy zucchini?  For that reason alone (it doesn't take much), I generally look at zucchini with disdain- until I remember the magic of zucchini hummus.  Yes, hummus: made from zucchini.

Let me explain.  A zucchini isn't a zucchini...when it's hummus.  Light, creamy, refreshing hummus- perfect for summer.

Start off with one (or more- they seem to come in pairs) zucchini and peel. 

(Behold my "Peeler Man" peeler still going strong!)

Then slice and quarter to ready the pieces for your food processor or Magic Bullet.

The rest of the ingredients are simple hummus fare, the amounts dependent upon the size/number of zucchini and how thick you prefer the end result; it will not thicken significantly in the fridge.  Assuming you are starting with one large veggie, here are some rough measurements.  It's not an exact science, so adjust for personal taste preference: 

1/4 cup tahini
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp lemon juice
1 1/2 clove garlic
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cumin (adds a special kick)

Puree, chill, and serve.

Use it for dunking fresh cut veggies, pretzels- anything really; even people who don't like hummus like zucchini hummus.  For their benefit, at times I refer to it simply as "dip".

Or, go a more traditonal route and wrap it up in a sammie.

I have Rochelle Blank-Zimmer to thank for this reason not to discriminate against zucchini; I attended one of her classes years ago and this was one of many healthy, simple recipe ideas I took away for better health through good eating.  Yes, I really just said that.  Who am I?


  1. If you had a real blender you wouldn't have to do so much prep. And I purchased a "Peeler Man" from his daughter who took his gig to the streets of Brooklyn's Green Market after the original Peeler Man died. She was a nice lady, and for once we can agree on an appliance!

  2. ^ This is one of the best comments!


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