
Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Word About (Vegan) Mashed Potatoes: Horseradish

I'm a big huge fan of mashed potatoes, but since VM isn't, there weren't many to be found around my house growing up.  I do, however, have fond memories of a particularly buttery, melt-in-your-mouth, serving dish-full Thanksgiving of '96 or so?  That's probably the last time I've partaken anyplace other than Red Bamboo...

And then, recently, I got a hankering.  Specifically, for the "wasabi" mashed potatoes I indulged in at Lucky Cheng's in the late nineties.  Faint of heart, now is when you should look away.  In the interest of full-disclosure, I was brought up schooled in the art of the canned potato and haven't shaken the habit.  Already peeled?  Can't beat it.

Simply take your 6lbs of peeled potatoes (fresh if you must), cut into quarter-sized cubes, and boil for 30-40 minutes (longer if using uncanned).  Then drain and mix in 8tbsp butter.  What?  No one said this was going to be healthy.  Add enough milk of your choice (soy and almond work best) to make it creamy, then salt and pepper to taste.

Now here's the magic: mix in one jar of Gold's horseradish, keeping in mind that you'll also want to keep an extra jar on hand for those who appreciate a little more heat.

And there you have it.

Note: In this instance, I'd advise against beet horseradish.  Not only is it less than half as hot, but there is nothing remotely appealing about pink mashed potatoes (or maybe there is?).

Carry on.


  1. Rather insanely, it's impossible to get prepared vegan horseradish sauce in England, so it's the root or nowt here! Still, having the root to hand when you're making a (vegan) Bloody Mary has a lot to recommend it!

  2. These mashed potatoes look SO yummy, totally putting me in mood for something that I usually don't think about in June. I have never bought canned potatoes, but hey if they work, then no problem. A whole jar of horseradish? Oh, I'm sure I will love these!

  3. These do look really great. Who doesn't love mashed potatoes?? I rarely make them anymore but I will keep this in mind, for sure. Horseradish is pretty fantastic, though mine usually goes into Bloody marys :)

  4. yum! interesting! that sounds delicious! thanks for sharing! I"ll have to try this combination!

  5. Potatoes come in cans?

    Horseradish mashed potatoes would be a big hit around here. And I'd have to agree with you that pink mashed potatoes would be ... unpleasant. But what about green wasabi mashed potatoes? That seems OK, doesn't it?

  6. Joey, that's crazy; tell Vx to get on it!

    Miss Rachel, the weather in the NE is pretty crummy- perfect for comfort food.

    foodfeud, would you believe I've never made my own Bloody Mary? I've only really gotten into them recently and Pine Box does it so well...

    glutenfreehappytummy, enjoy.

    Andrea, I know; it's horrific, but so convenient! I thought about wasabi mashed potatoes, but it seemed like this was going straight to the root (pun intended). I think the color of wasabi mash would be awesome, though!


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