
Monday, October 8, 2012

Vegan MoFo 2012, Can Anyone Really Ever Have Enough Vegan Sushi?

I am quite particular when dining out: atmosphere and, especially, service play a big part in my dining experience.  I don't need perfection or someone waiting on me hand and foot; in addition to terrific food, I simply appreciate pleasant and interested staff* in a clean and appealing environment.  This is what makes Beyond Sushi so fabulous.

Ok, full disclosure:

VM thought this was the sushi display, not the order of 3 hungry vegans.
After visiting for the first time I couldn't wait to visit again.  Nowhere near the establishment, I'd find that I was craving just that.  Who wouldn't constantly yearn for fresh veggies and inventive sauces paired in intricate and phenomenal combinations?  To make matters more urgent, the October roll and piece of the month were announced:

So this weekend I returned with the same friend with which I'd visited the first time and a newbie.  This was especially fantastic because it netted more flavors to share.  This was my order:

First, their roll of the month: roasted Kabocha squash, avocado, and baby arugula with charred carrot, mint, & lemon zest topping (charred LIVE!**) and decorated with roasted harissa- pumpkin seed purée.

Can you stand how cute those little faux pumpkins are on top?

And also the Sweet Tree: six grain rice, avocado, sweet potato, and alfalfa sprouts with toasted cayenne sauce.

This was another extraordinary choice; the combination of flavors was fantastic.  I don't think there is a bad roll to be had at Beyond Sushi.

Then, their piece of the month: cajun roasted Brussel sprouts with harissa-roasted pumpkin seed puree and 6 Grain Rice.

I also somehow wound up with an extra piece: seaweed salad served with sweet soy mirin sauce (this might have had something to do with the fact that person who took my order could sense that I was not pleased with his uncharacteristically un-welcoming welcome).

My returning friend ordered differently, but equally.  On the left, pickle mesix grain rice, gobo, carrot, pickled daikon, and avocado with carrot ginger sauce.  On the right, la fiestablack rice, avocado, pickled jalapeño, chayote, and cilantro leaf with mango chili sauce

The newbie (and fellow mushroom fan) chose wisely as well.

The Mighty Mushroom: six grain rice, enoki, shiitake, tofu, and micro arugula with shitaki teriaki sauce.

This is not for the mushroom faint of heart; it's very mushroomy!

Also, the sweet angel rice paper wrapangel hair whole-wheat noodles, green asparagus, baked sweet potato, kimchi, alfalfa sprouts, romaine, and chili with toasted cayenne sauce.  

There were different juice choices available from last time; I chose the blueberry lemonade and my friend had the basil infused orange raspberry juice.  Magnifico!

Once again, every bite was sensational.  And, for the record, Beyond Sushi is now 100% vegan!

* The tall gentleman with the glasses is the best of the bunch; thankfully, he arrived with our meal.  He's tremendously pleasant and, most importantly, he doesn't look startled when I get disproportionately excited by my sushi.

** Charred LIVE:

They're not messing around.


  1. Oh my gosh. Next moFo I'm just compiling a list of everywhere you go and eating there. No more thinking for myself. Kabocha sushi!!

  2. Wow. That puts my local sushi place to shame.

  3. Love this place and while the pictures you took are beautiful, they don't come close to capturing the magic of this place!
    Also how amazing is it that they were originally just vegetarian but because of outrage by vegans on yelp they became 100% cruelty free?

  4. that is amazing. in my town it's avocado/cukes/carrots and that's it.

  5. In answer to your question — no. But I can't even imagine the selection you've shown us. I'm used to cucumber and avocado. Unless I make it myself.

  6. Wow! How does one convince Beyond Sushi to open a shop in Portland, Oregon?

  7. We could also use a Beyond Sushi in Paris! Merci for the mouthwatering photos.

  8. foodfeud- I'm coming with!

    All- Avo/carrot/cuke is a thing of my past!

  9. This is amazing! Finally a place that embraces the gazillion vegan sushi options that we've all imagined. I also always think seitan, tofu and tempeh should be used more in sushi and I bet they optimize it at Beyond Sushi!

    Did you go to the NYC location? I wish there were a Philly one!!


  10. Abby,

    I love Beyond Sushi and I love that it’s within walking distance from my home. I would love to go again with you. You are the secret sauce to my roll’s!

  11. Dawn- they only use tofu in one role, but I have to say that they really don't even need it; the combos are perfect. I believe this is their only location thus far...

    MVG- Aw. Anytime!!

  12. I could never even possibly hope to dream about a vegan sushi place as awesome as this. I am so jealous. I would want to go every night.


  13. What a delightful review. I had so much fun reading it and am very inspired to make lots of sushi and throw a sushi party, since I have no hope of going out for sushi like that near me.

  14. I thought Nori isn't vegan, because small fish can get trapped in the seaweed when being harvested? Correct me if I'm wrong, I am still learning. I, as a vegetarian, don't eat nori because it smells fishy...Thanks!

    Oh, and Beyond Sushi looks amazing! We Europeans are still looking for better places to dine out with vegetarian/vegan's still hard. Come to Europe, Beyond Sushi!!!

  15. Denise- It really is a game-changer.

    BYOL- power to the vegans!

    Sarah- I'm so over that trio!

    Fanny- It's even better than it looks.

    Andrea- With Beyond Sushi in town, I'll probably never bother making it myself.

    Tibik- You still have Back to Eden ;-)

    Aurelia- Perhaps by the time I visit!

    Kittee- It's amazing!

    Elizabeth- good luck :-)

    180 degrees baking- I've never heard Nori to be considered not vegan and haven't been able to find any information in that regard; the "fishy" smell is from the ocean.

  16. Holy moly. That is the most amazing looking sushi EVAR!!

  17. Wow, this place looks like the best sushi shop, ever! I'm jealous of all the amazing options ;)


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