
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Vegan MoFo 2012, Eggplant Chickpea Curry. Kinda.

So I'm really getting on board with this whole tossing meals together with healthy ingredients that I purposefully (or happen to) have on hand.  It just means that sometimes you don't have the exact ingredients for a particular recipe...and you just go with it.  On this day, it was Appetite for Destruction Reduction's eggplant chickpea curry (p. 230).

It all started when my co-worker gave me a couple of small eggplants from her daughter's garden.  Then my boss gave me a beautiful assortment of peppers from her CSA.  VM tends to keep me rolling in onions and tomatoes at all times, and then I remembered I had black beans and Thai jasmine rice in the freezer.  I figured there was a meal in there somewhere.

My cookbook search for the simplest recipe (i.e. fewest ingredients and dishes involved), brought me to the eggplant chickpea curry recipe.  Although it didn't call for peppers and my beans weren't of the chick variety, I figured: what could it hurt?  Close enough, I say.

Because I like to keep the dishes to a minimum and because I have minimal patience for simmering, once an hour had passed I decided to just dump the rice in the same pot.

I'm not the biggest fan of eggplant (although I've been proven wrong lately), but this was good!

Relatively simple, extremely healthy, and very tasty.  Toss meals together with healthy ingredients that I have on hand?  I got this.


  1. Hey this looks great. Healthy cooking can be relatively easy and inexpensive as this post shows.

  2. That's the way to use recipes — to suit yourself and your ingredients. Looks great!

  3. This is definitely my favorite way to cook - throw things together and hope for the best. Even better that you had some actual guidelines from the cookbook. The dish looks fantastic, and I love the jasmine rice combo. I'm always into eggplant but this looks like a particularly good way to prepare it.

  4. Abby,

    I’m with you. I’m not a huge fan of eggplant, but this meal looks like something I would like to try.


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