
Monday, October 7, 2013

VEGAN LONDON: The Third Estate

As a big fan of MooShoes stateside, I was extremely anxious to visit what sounded like their English counterpart: London's The Third Estate.

It is a stunning shop: inside and out. 

There are clothing, footwear, and accessories options for everyone; all neatly arranged and beautifully presented.

Plus, this beautiful chaise.  I'm a sucker for a chaise.

There were also many reclaimed elements in the shop, which gave it character on top of being immaculate.

well, what do you know? that's my tote on the counter!

As if all of that wasn't enough, the employee working that day could not have been nicer (Angela?).  She was helpful, friendly, and just generally made our visit a complete pleasure.

take a lesson

As for the shopping, there were so many options that it was hard to focus.  Nevertheless, into the fitting room I went.

There were a ton of footwear and accessory options from familiar vegan brands such as Matt & Nat, Vegetarian Shoes, Novacas, and Macbeth, but I chose a shirt from a new-to-me designer.

Although it was late in our trip, I'm so glad that we were able to find the time to make it to The Third Estate; it's a completely high-class establishment and I urge you to visit next time you're in London.

Pssst; I saved you the trouble.  For those who don't like to read too much: the shorter version.


  1. Whoa, very cool history behind the name. I feel like I learned about that in college and promptly forgot it all.
    Sounds like a really nice store. Those dresses are pretty swank.

  2. you're in London? Cool! And how comes I never heard about that shop? I'm hauling myself down there ASAP. On second thoughts, I'll haul myself down there nearer to payday!

  3. foodfeud- It's probably a good thing I don't live any closer.

    Joey- Ha! No; I was there in March; it's just taken me this long to blog everything. Only a few more to go. Head there straightaway; great shop, great people. Support vegan businesses!!


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