
Monday, November 4, 2013

The Coveted Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Pancakes from Champ's Family Bakery

Champ's has an extremely extensive menu.  So much so, that from within seemingly new things regularly pop up and you don't know if you've just never noticed them before amidst the massive amount of offerings, or if they really are new.  Take these pancakes, for instance. 

I don't usually find myself ordering syrup-required breakfasts out.  Not only am I very particular about such things, but since it's more than a little embarrassing how much syrup I can consume, I try not to do so in public.

Then One Vegan Fatty posted a drool-worthy photo of Champ's red velvet chocolate chip pancakes and I knew I had to have them- for all the world to see, if need be.  Thankfully, it turned out that they aren't a special, as I'd assumed, but are on the regular menu.

blurry with excitement

And before I knew it, they were mine.

Let me start with the whipped cream, because I somehow missed the part where it said it came with.  My advice: no matter what you order at Champ's, get a side of this awe-inspiring whipped cream/cool whip hybrid magnificentness.  Put it on your latte, dunk a cereal killer in it, or just take it like a shot.  Just order it!

Maybe you'd like to see them from a slightly different angle.

Or another.


They were just so beauteous that I couldn't bring myself to eat them right away.


And as if all this couldn't have been any better, I got to enjoy them next to my considerably healthier friend, BYOL.

As a matter of fact, he and my other friends ate too.  So, it wasn't all about my pancakes (yes it was). BYOL's awesome bowl: quinoa, tofu scramble, sauteed greens, mixed bells with garlic rosemary potatoes.

Champ's breakfast burrito: Field Roast chorizo sausage, tofu scramble, mixed bells, garlic rosemary potatoes, cheese, chipotle dressing in an organic whole wheat tortilla with salad.




Soltero bowl: Field Roast chorizo sausage, sauteed greens, quinoa, onions, mushrooms, mixed bells, soysage, chipotle dressing (with avocado).

As is usual with Champ's, when I asked for more syrup the waitress didn't bat an eye of judgement.  In fact, I think she was cheering me on.

I'm kind of embarrassed that I didn't partake in dessert, but, well, even I have my sweet limits.


Sightseeing on the way down the street: it goes without saying that you should always scoo your poo.

Immediately prior to brunch we'd gone to see a show in honor of John Lennon's birthday.

It was touching to see handwritten lyrics and drawing, as well as to learn a little more about his personal life with Yoko Ono.  I was particularly amused by this tidbit.


There were also many of his drawings for his second son, Sean, on display.  They're also printed in a beautiful children's book, Real Love: The Drawings for Sean.

Great thanks to my friend who found the show; it was kind of like being on vacation all over again.

And, finally, a shout-out to MooShoes for my new favorite boots: keeping me comfy all day!

Just in case you forgot about my pancakes...


Oh, and did you know that Champ's has now opened a second location, Champ's Junior?  I will report back very soon!


  1. As a matter of fact, I think all cupcake recipes could translate into a pancake. :)Dessert for breakfast. What's not to love? :)

  2. I'm glad you got to enjoy your awesome pancakes and unlimited syrup. What a treat! I, however, would have ordered what BYOL did. It's nice to find a place where everyone can find something they like.

  3. I don't even desire Red Velvet Pancakes and yet I'm jealous.

  4. Wait, I had no idea they had a second location!

    Also you forgot to mention that when you asked for more syrupy, the waitress gave you a bottle that was practically empty!

    1. empty?!!?!?!? what what what?!?!!?!?

    2. I think they could tell I was a syrup hound and didn't want to give me a full jug all at once ;-)

  5. Those are totally sweet boots but I wanna see pictures of the manic Panic'd hair! Bright blue hair to go with the bright red pancakes!
    Always jealous of the Champs shots; you and yr friends always order so much better than I ever do.
    I like how that tree grew over the sign :)

  6. Red velvet pancakes are a thing? Clearly I'm behind on my baking trend watching! Only one way to remedy this - eat more pancakes!

  7. Kim- That's a great idea & vice versa. They sometimes have peanut butter french toast; that would make and awesome cupcake.

    Andrea- That's (one of the reasons) why Champ's is so great!

    The Shenandoah Vegan- They are kinda irresistible.

    BYOL- No, the syrup was all well-planned. Both times I was presented with syrup it was filled to EXACTLY the same point. I think it must be their way to reduce waste and possible be more hygienic; syrup containers can be a sticky mess, but these were not (I'll remind you they also have the world's cleanest sriracha bottles).

    foodfeud- Ha! The MP is all in the back of my head and I can't reach for a picture. I'll try to have someone get a shot.


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