
Friday, November 1, 2013

What's Better Than A Holiday That Revolves Around Candy?

Happy Halloween everyone!  Just a quick post to let you know how ours went.  For starters, there was this.

89 was supposed to be a unicorn for Halloween, but after numerous wing attempts, the ones she wound up with were a little large; so, a friend dubbed her a uni-fairy.


Precious, right?

Well, here she is making like an ostrich and pretending I don't exist.


And here she is as an evil unicorn throwing a stinky side-eye.

 Bored with me in between trick-or-treaters.

We gave out accidentally vegan Oreos this year: further veganified with my favorite artichoke-designed  "Veganism is Direct Action" stickers from Friends of Animals, who do amazing work.


That is, until I ran out and had to resort to Halloween pencils.  In my defense, I did not expect 78 kids to come a-knockin'.  Note to self: older kids come later and they do not take kindly to Halloween pencils- regardless of their fun, giant erasers.  But, it was all I had!  The only other portable, edible items in my pantry were individual, pre-cooked quinoa packets.

foreshadowing: recipe testing post coming soon!

And, after having saved it all week, I was not about to share my Vegan Treats pumpkin sugar cookie.  Not even with the numbered dog seen below licking her lips in anticipation.  She had her own cookies.

I hope your Halloween was as fun as ours!

We're exhausted.

Until next year...(we're already brainstorming)


  1. Looks like you had a great Halloween (cool idea with the vegan sticker on the oreos)! 89's costume was way too cute!

  2. I've never seen a costume like that for a dog. It's perfect.

  3. 78 is a pretty impressive number of treaters. I think we only had about 35, so there are lots of leftovers. It was interesting that the kids all knew what Zbars were, and wanted them — even the parents seemed really pleased. The teens were happy and polite as well, so I think we made a good choice for this year's treats. Callie was thrilled with all the doorbell ringing, and she barked a lot, but she didn't have a costume. Next year. 89 look ravishing, as always!

  4. I love your ittle uni-fairy! She's very tolerant. Cocoa would have had that mangled after 5 minutes.

  5. Just found your blog...89 stole my can you NOT be vegan when you look at that face. The best!!!! XOXOXO Thank you for sharing.

  6. 89 is adorable! Did you dress up too?
    I had to drop by my parents' house so I ended up doling out treats for an hour or so but we ran out to and I just ended up turning off a lot of the lights and not going near the windows.

  7. Julie- Stickers on everything, I say!

    Stacy- haha

    The Shenandoah Vegan- thanks! It all started with an inflatable unicorn horn for cats that I glitter-fied.

    Andrea- I'm kind of disappointed I didn't wind up with any oreos for me, but that's probably a good thing. We keep dog treats by the door too, but only one came and she wasn't in costume.

    Linda- I've managed to convince her that this kind of behavior is normal. She thinks other dogs are naked.

    Anonymous- thanks! Stick around for more :-)

    foodfeud- I didn't dress up this year, but last year I was the Long Island Medium. I really like Halloween, so next year I'll probably get enough for 100 kids and then only have 15.

  8. Can every day be Hallowe'en at yours so we can admire the cute costumes, stickers and candy please?

  9. My, my, what a cutie, that darling looks like an angel! Ah, what a lovely Halloween! Lol, I love that you texted, “NOT VEGAN!”


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