
Friday, June 6, 2014

Dr. Bronner's Magic Castile Liquid Soap

I guess I don't blog about things such as vegan cleaning products much because there are other blogs that concentrate solely on that niche.  And, not to put too fine a point on it, ice cream is much more exciting to me.


But, I've uncovered a relative cleaning breakthrough!  At least for me.  Let me explain.  I have glass shower doors that I am intent on keeping sparkling clean (I have a squeegee and everything).  Contrarily, my  doors seem intent on remaining murky.  In my quest to prevail, here are some things I've learned. 1) friends don't necessarily want to talk about how they clean their shower doors.  2) the general population does not think you can combat tough jobs with natural solutions.

the glass door (seen left) has a texture, but otherwise totally clear!

To be fair, I have tried many vegan brands' cleaning products that haven't been so swell. But that's surely not by virtue of their veganity; perhaps they just generally suck.  I've also tried a bunch of natural remedies too.  One "green," questionably vegan, cleaning blog enthusiastically suggested straight up club soda.  When it didn't work in the least, I commented in earnest asking for other solutions.  Not only didn't I hear back, but my comment wasn't even published.  Back to the drawing board!

If I'm being generous, white vinegar diluted with water did a decent job.  But I'm not looking for decent; I'm looking for squeaky, blindingly, eat-in-the-shower clean.  And now I have it.


Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps!  If you're like me, Dr. Bronner's castile liquid soap was one of the first things you bought when you decided to make a commitment to causing the least harm as a vegan by eschewing animal exploitation: including not using products that are tested on or contain animal ingredients.  Dr. Bronner's boasts a ton of virtues, but I admit the two bottles I bought way back when (no expiration date!) have been hanging around ever since.  I do use it to clean my tile floors, but a little goes a very long way (and I only used it as shampoo that one time).

I took this picture through the door!

So now I better stock up.  It turns out that Dr. Bronner's castile soap diluted per instruction and applied only half-heartedly with a Skoy scrub makes your doors positively shimmer.


The answer was lurking in my linen closet (does that make me sound old?) all along.  I'm going to have to revisit all of the Dr. Bronner's possibilities because now I must might be a believer.  I hope this tip can make your life a little more sparkly too.

"why are you taking pictures from inside the shower?"


  1. Ha! We have at least one bottle of this hanging around from our Chicago days, and now I know what to do with it. If I can find it!

    Also, I can't get enough of the look on 89's face!

    1. I just read that you can use the same soap as deodorant!

  2. To be honest, I never bought that stuff cuz there are so many words on the label. It is overwhelming. I'll give it a look-see if I ever decide to clean.

    Our Pups & Cats are fascinated when we are in the shower as well.

    1. Yeah; I pretty much just block out any information that isn't directly related to the cleaning efficiency. 89 will stay in the bathroom throughout my shower, but once the water goes off she leaves immediately and returns with a toy as if to say, "break's over; let the fetching commence."

  3. I wonder how it works on grout!

    1. I use Method bathroom cleaner with a scrub daddy, but I'm pretty sure Dr. B would work as well.

  4. I can only guess we don't have this stuff on our side of the Atlantic! I must admit though, if I find a thing that can't be cleaned with lemon juice, vinegar or bicarb, I assume that it's just not meant to be clean!

  5. I also suffer from murky-shower-glass-nothing-seems-to-work. My mum insists it's all elbow grease and vinegar but she swears by wiping the glass down after every use. She says if she doesn't do it for a few days, she notices a difference in that it's harder to clean. As much as I hate to admit it (because I'm a lazy shower-cleaner), I think she's right. But I'm still too lazy to do the wiping thing after every shower!


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