
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

National Donut Day

Since I may have gone overboard in my National Donut Day instagramming, I was going to let it pass on the blog.  But, after reading about foodfeud's celebration, I felt that I owed it to you to post my own glorious NDD escapades - even though such things also tend to happen with embarrassing regularity throughout the year for me.

VM, 89, and I made a beeline to Vegan Treats for the occasion; we frankly couldn't resist all of their delectable posts on the subject.  And, despite it being NDD, 89 couldn't wait for some ice cream.

she knows it's in there

Chocolate swirled with malt, rainbow sprinkles.

Really (malt only).

Onto the donuts!  While I normally err on the verbose side, I'm going to take a page from foodfeud and let the photos tell (most of) the story.


triple chocolate:

Mini donuts: rainbow sprinkles and Boston creme (with a fasnacht photobomb).


Also, these mini chocolatey creations that were going really fast.


The real star of the show, for us, was the donut sundae: a chocolate-encased angel food cake donut with a great big tower of whipped cream, chocolate sauce, chocolate chips, and sweet, sliced strawberries.

A cross-section of the donut alone:


We also took an assortment to a friend...(the one on the bottom right is lemon blueberry!)

Aaaaand, then I got a little lazy with the photos.  But, the one front and center is a cherry pie donut!

I think you get the idea.

I do want to give a shout out to these gorgeous, fun-fetti cupcakes that were also available.  Unfortunately, we couldn't partake because we were focusing on donuts.  Next time, fun-fetti; I'm coming for you!

So, there you have it; you now have until June 6, 2015 to prepare for your own observance of National Donut Day.

Or, just make your own donut day.


  1. I went to Whole Foods today (in Southern California) and they had in their cookie section, Vegan Doughnuts. Finally. Thank you for your wonderful post and your commitment. I am grateful (especially for the pictures of 89, what a doll!!)

    1. I don't think I've seen a vegan donut at WF in the northeast, but I admit I haven't looked in a while because they've had the same tired ginger cookie, chocolate chip cookie, and maple date scone for as long as I can remember. Yawn.

  2. Vegan Treats has certainly shown great creativity in their interpretation of "donut" day. I'm especially impressed with the donut sundae and the triple chocolate. If there were a Pulitzer Prize for donut creation, they would hard to beat!

    1. Well, you may have heard that PETA voted them #2 (behind Mighty O), an honor they accepted gracefully.

  3. oh boy... I think you should remind your readers that you take this holiday so seriously that you took the day off from work!

    Happy National Donut Day Ms. Bean! While I myself don't partake in it, I'm certainly not one to stop other from it!

    ps- I'm surprised there wasn't any love for the Snail on NDD...

    1. NDD was a VT-only affair because of geographical logistics! And, I actually took the day off for another reason; this was just a bonus.

  4. oh geez! The donut sundae! Those little strawberry slices look divine. I really hope to get to VT one day.
    Lemon blueberry is a favorite flavor, I would love to try it in donut form...
    Well done.
    Love 89's little booties.

    1. If you're going to take the trip, I recommend going for Bethlehem Vegfest, which I believe is scheduled for 8/23 this year.

  5. Interesting to see the VT Donuts at their source. We see them after being unpacked from a three hour truck ride. Wish the Lemon Blueberry would make it down here.

    Love 89's little shoes.

  6. 89 is so adorable. and those donuts....YUM!

  7. I love the idea of national doughnut day! So fun! The VT sprinkle covered doughnuts are some of my faves and in fat I think they may have been the first vegan doughnut I ever tried! Also I can't handle the video of 89 licking that spoon - it's too much!!

    1. The first time I walked into Vegan Treats I was so overwhelmed that I didn't know what to do, so I went with the tried & true rainbow sprinkle donut as well :-)

  8. I was about to say I want to live where you live and I don't know where that is exactly, but then I realised I want to live in that donut box.


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