
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Rock, Rock, Rockaway Taco

I'm not really a beach person, so Rockaway was never on my radar until I started hearing rumors about the stupendous vegan-friendliness of Rockaway Taco.  Beach?  Meh.  Tacos?  Yes, please!

In fact, when a new friend mentioned he lived in Rockaway, one of the first things I asked was if I could visit for tacos.  True story.

And then it happened.

In my mind, Rockaway Taco was a clapboard building built directly on the beach (as I said, I'm not a beach person).  Luckily, in reality it's a few blocks further inland.

gracious pals

As promised, there were a lot of veganizable options.


I started off with a watermelon juice because A) it's my fave and B) it's hella expensive in Manhattan.

My pals went for the pineapple mint (note: the cups were served full, I was just late taking the photo).

Because there were so many choices I did a "I'll have what she's having." Pictured here are a black bean taco and a tofu taco: both with added guacamole.  They come with purple cabbage and radishes, which really hit the perfect notes of fresh crunch paired with the soft tortillas and savory fillings.  The spicy pickled onions on the side were added from their complimentary condiment bar where you can also add a brown sauce that I assumed was mole and in which I did not partake.  Be aware that the tacos are in a state of slight disarray here only because I forgot to say no cilantro and had to scrape it off before capturing the meal for all eternity.

I had the black bean taco first and it reminded me of creamy, refried black beans: very good.  However, the tofu taco was so stupendous that I think I'd go all tofu next time.  Check it out: pressed and marinated for the win.

We also shared an order of sweet plantains which I'm told aren't usually this well done.  However, we all really liked them this way and agreed we'd order them well-done on future visits.  They were the best I've ever had- by a mile; crisp on the outside and sweet, melt-in-your-mouth on the inside.

FYI: there's no indoor seating at Rockaway Taco, so you can sit at picnic tables across the street to enjoy your delicious grub.

Animal-friendly decor in the picnic area: "Sharks need their fins more than you."

By the time we left the line was down the block and around the corner, which I'm told is normal and I'm not in the least bit surprised; everything was ridiculously good.  Rockaway Taco is a MUST-VISIT for sure and would be particularly ideal for anyone embarking on a taco cleanse.

no dog tacos, I'm afraid


  1. I'm not a crowded beach person, but I do lovely sparsely populated (or empty!) beach. There is something so calming and adventurous about the ocean. But, this is coming from someone who is days away from any beachfront. Ha ha!

    Delicious looking eats! My first thought about Rockaway was: isn't this the place that was devastated by Hurricane Sandy? Very awesome that they are back with long lines and cute decorations.

    Give 89 a big snuggle for me - that face! So cute!

    1. Yes; Rockaway was, in fact, devastated by Sandy and has not yet been completely rebuilt. Sadly another example of the money not always making it where it belongs.

      Yeah, the ocean is vast and scary!

  2. not sure how anyone can not be a beach person (what?!) but I LOVE those tacos. the tofu is the best! glad you got the chance to try them!

    1. You know, the water is so murky and the sand gets everywhere…I'm just meh about it. Those tacos, however...

  3. With Chipotle so vegan friendly, I'm not sure I would go very far out of my way for Mexican. Looks very fresh and fun, I am glad it was a successful trek.

    Hope 89 didn't get any sand in her shoes.

    1. Oh no; you are MISSING OUT! Chipotle is good in a pinch, but there is no comparison. Seriously. More amazing Mexican-inspired dishes coming soon.

      See above. EVERYWHERE.

  4. Yeah! I went here with my friend a couple years ago (last time I went to the beach - not a sand/sun/water person either) and didn't even know they had a tofu option, so I had to get it when I saw it. Not sure if they had the plantains then but they look really good. and the watermelon juice! Very nice.
    I just read on Vegansaurus there is a Champs booth somewhere at Rockaway too!! I may have to go back this summer....
    Quite a long trip for you, no? Did you actually go on the beach?

    1. You know the Champs post is coming next!! Wasn't that long of a trip at all & in only one day I felt like I'd been on a vacation: such a great vibe there.

  5. It all looks wonderful and I love watermelon juice, too. You'd pay at least $5.00 for it in CT eateries. On vacation in Mexico a couple of weeks ago, we were offered freshly made corn tortillas at every breakfast. It's impossible not to miss those. We brought a taco press home and occasionally make them, but the fillings you've shown are intriguing -- especially the way they've prepared the tofu.

    1. I've been addicted to tacos since the ones at The Vegan Nom in Austin. Maybe if I finally blog about them I'll actually consider making some at home!

  6. Love it. I like beans and guac in tacos, but there never seems to be a tofu option over here. Looking at your Mexican feast, I can tell this is a terrible oversight. More tofu! What was the marinade?

    1. I have no idea, but it was perfection! This was the tofu for people who think they could never eat tofu.

  7. I’ll go to a beach for vegan tacos and the sun! Mmm, watermelon juice sounds refreshing, I had a watermelon & lemon fresca few days ago at a vegan/raw place in Torino and it was so tasty! I want some of that pineapple mint! Well done, Rockaway Taco, these vegan tacos are a winner - love the blackened sweet plantains!

  8. Love Rockaway Taco! I got the same order as you last time but next time I'm going to go all Tofu too!

    1. The universe has aligned and we have agreed on a meal!

  9. Yum! I love both tacos and the beach so this looks like the perfect spot for me!


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