
Monday, August 4, 2014

I Did it All for the Cookie: Jennifer's Way Bakery

All last week I was craving a chocolate chip cookie, but there were none in the house and I was not about to turn the oven on in this heat.  So, I just suffered my cookie-less fate day after day.

Then, this weekend- on the heels of an Ess-A-Bagel and en route to a potluck, a friend suggested that we check out a "new" bakery that had opened a few doors down from the former home of a bakery that was not my style in the least and not far from Quintessence.  I thought we were just taking a look; I hadn't really given any weight to the detour and then there it was:  Jennifer's Way Bakery; I was smitten on sight.

The indoor decor did not disappoint; the aesthetic was warm and inviting: a cross between a patisserie and TBICSITU.  It also didn't hurt that it smelled amazing throughout; if anyone wants to personalize a fragrance for me: bottle the scent of warm cookies.

I've come to realize that when faced with vegan baked goods my gleeful reaction can be a little overwhelming.  This visit was no exception; I've frightened bakery staff on two continents thus far.

no soy no dairy no gluten no problem

Everything in the relatively small case looked just-baked and even things that I wouldn't normally choose looked and sounded amazing: hazelnut thumbprint, double chocolate cookie with walnuts, etc..  But then my eyes settled on the chocolate chip cookie I had been dreaming about all week and the decision was made.  My friends each chose a thumbprint.

As soon as I laid eyes on the cookie I knew it was going to be good.  Just look at the chip to cookie ratio!  The taste exceeded my wildest expectations and, while I didn't actually lick the whole thing in order to deter requests for a taste, my friends read my mind.  Sorry; I could not have sacrificed one morsel of the soft, chewy cookie.  I also didn't manage another single photo before it disappeared into my mouth, so I'll have to go back.

It was so exquisite that ever since (with breaks for work and sleep), I've been wondering if the case the goods are kept in is warmed, as the chips were just-out-of-the-oven melty.  A cookie of dreams I tell you!

The thumbprint was also a hit, but I was too involved with my own cookie to care.

It wasn't until we went back in so my friend could get another cookie that I saw the book on the shelf and realized that this was the bakery of actress Jennifer Esposito.  I'd heard her on tv talking about her celiac diagnosis and the journey that led to her bakery, but I had no idea it was vegan.  When I asked, I was told that everything was, in fact, vegan: except for the honey in the breads.  "Gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free, soy-free, peanut-free, allergy-friendly, organic, artisan goodness;" it turns out it's only been open for a bit over a year, so chances are you didn't know it was there either- or that it was vegan.  Go check it out and have a chocolate chip cookie for me!


  1. All those shops along that stretch have such nice interiors. Small, but really cute with the exposed brick and everything.
    That cookie doesn't even look gluten free! And yr right, I had no idea it was there. I often pass by places like that anyway, thinking no way they'd have vegan options - let alone be an entirely vegan shop! I love thumbprints, too. What a nice find.

    1. My friend told me it was GF mid-cookie; I never would have guessed! The whole vegan label thing is so frustrating. Can we all agree on a discreet green V since "vegan" is so scary?!

  2. What a cute place!! I love the sign about negative people - so true. I can think of a couple I need to "raise the rent" on. Ha! Delicious looking treats!

    1. My friend has already returned for more…impressed that she beat me ;-)

    2. haha well it is conveniently located near me :)

  3. I love this review! & not just because I was there and agree that it was one of the best choc chip cookies ever, but because it was really cutely written & made me smile :) but maybe that is because i was there haha

  4. Two super positive reviews in a row! I am surprised by this one, as I am not a Jennifer Esposito fan (i think that little sign in the Cookie case is for me).

  5. Yes! That chip to cookie ratio is spot on! I'll definitely be making a trip to Jennifer's Way next time I'm in NYC.

  6. I need a chocolate chip cookie - it’s been a month without cookies! The bakery’s decor looks lovely, kind of reminds me of rustic decor at most cafes/restaurants in Torino. I think I’d like the thumbprint cookie, mmm! Lovely that the staff told you that everything is vegan except for the bread!


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