
Friday, November 21, 2014

Dr. Cow Storefront

I know it's hard to recall, particularly today, but this summer there were quite a few blazing hot days to contend with.  It was on one of these that I met a friend at the then relatively new Dr. Cow store.

I am a huge fan of Dr. Cow's stupendous, nut-based, local, vegan cheeses, so I couldn't wait to visit a shop dedicated not only to those I've come to know and love, but additional flavors I might not have tried yet.


After 2 drinks at the Vegan Shop-up at Pine Box, I staggered towards our meeting place in the relentless sun. After only one self-imposed break, I met up with my friend and we walked the remaining few blocks together. We were more than a little amused/dismayed to find that it was a tiny take-out shop (possibly the definition of quaint) rather than the exalted cheese cafe we'd been expecting.

While the cheese options were glorious, to say the least, there was no place- inside or out, to enjoy said cheese en site, which was exactly what we were intending to do. To make our ill-planning matters worse, the temperature did not lend itself to taking cheese to-go, as I was much farther from home than she was.  So, we stood for a while, glaring covetously at the vegan, butcher-type display of various hunks of gourmet, vegan cheese in multiple sizes*, shapes, colors, variations, and combinations: drooling.

The counterperson was kind enough to offer us some extremely yummy samples, but they were accompanied by her declarations of not being vegan and really liking the cheese anyway.  Not. Good. I mean, the cheese was outstanding, but the "non-vegan taste buds have superior expectations, so if we like it you know it's good" rap does not jive for me: particularly in an all-vegan establishment. (Does this impress omnis who wander into vegan joints? Discuss.)

They also had a selection of mini cookies and chocolates (also susceptible to melting; what is it with the foods I love being so downright delicate?), so I managed to uncharacteristically switch gears from savory to sweet and chose one to inhale on premise.

It was possibly the world's tiniest cookie, but after all the anticipation I couldn't have left the Dr. Cow shop empty-handed (get it? that's my palm) without feeling like a complete failure.


Now that the weather has, ahem, taken a's a good time to revisit and bring lots home.  You should do the same!  I mean, bring it to me.

*I have no idea how the varying assortment of cheeses come into cute existence in the Dr. Cow display. Where do the missing hunks go? Are their missing hunks, or are they "born" haphazardly? Inquiring minds...


  1. The store should suggest customers bring a cooler if visiting in the hotter months.

    Glad the Cookie melted in your mouth and not in your hand.

    1. I should know better and always travel with a cooler. POINT TAKEN!

  2. I had wanted to visit the Doctor Cow store when I was in NY, but time didn't permit it. I'm glad to know it would have been a bust anyway, since there was a heatwave when I was there. That's a pet peeve of mine too when I'm at a vegan establishment and the people working there let me know that the food is "actually" good "despite" being vegan. I'm always surprised when it happens.

    1. Put it on the list for a cool weather trip; I will hopefully return myself very shortly!

  3. Oooh, what an awesome shop!! But what a strange declaration by the employee. Not really "selling the product" very well. At least the adorable cookie was delicious!

    1. That happens so often! I've been in fine restaurants where the waiter is just dying to tell you that they're not vegan. I just don't get it.

  4. Oh so many delicious looking things. I'm so glad you posted a storefront photo because I would have definitely not expected that. I guess baby store is better then no store. If only I had the energy to get on two trains to get there. I'm guessing the hunks are all born the same way and the other parts are stored in a refrigerator to extend their existence.

    1. We walked by it too before saying, "Is THAT it?" I'm thinking I should go with a blanket and just have a picnic out front.

  5. I don't remember it being so hot all this summer, but maybe a walk over from PBRS would make it so. Bummer you had to pass on the cheese! J. Legume shared some Dr. Cow with me this summer and it was awweeeesssome. I've been meaning to stop by myself. Thanks for the reminder, and the heads up that it's just a stand.

    1. Extreme temperatures aren't my thing & the drinks certainly didn't help! I can't even imagine how fantastic it is; I'm a huge fan. And Treeline has two new aged wheel flavors now that I'm dying to get my hands on!

  6. Sun? I remember that. It was big over here a few months ago. Nothing makes me grind my teeth more than 'isn't vegan food crap? hey, this is different, omnis will love it'. It's weird from a vegan shop worker, as it equates to 'aren't our customers dim?' I still would have put up with that nonsense for a go on the cheese, mind - did you try the hibiscus one?

  7. Almost nothing suprises me with the people who work retail these days in nyc.... I must say they should probably have a real live Vegan there working. Those kinds of comments make me crazy-as if any food made without animal products is therefore gross (where as in reality the opposite is true!)
    I'll have to get myself out there before long.


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