
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2015 Holiday Highlights

Not to be confused with my favorite things to get and gift, here are some (mostly 89) 2015 holiday highlights. Hope yours were warm and bright!


We celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah in our house (and if there are other holidays you recommend, please suggest! I'm not a religious person, but I love celebrations.); here's 89 assuming that everything that comes in the house is a gift for her. Ok, it usually is.

Annual tree acquisition.

If only she could help lift it into the car. Or out of it. Or into the tree stand.

Her best sweater of the season.

Fave new ornament.


Night view.

I'm not much for knick knacks, but I do love useful, themed bounty- particularly when it complements 89's gear.

Holiday eats: stuffed artichoke, eggplant rollatini with thin spaghetti, so many Vegan Treats.

Yummy snacks for this nerd from her pal.

Wanting my Vegan Treats' cookies even though she has plenty of her own.

Said cookies in all of their glory.

 Christmas morning in a rare moment of repose.

Moments later, sprawled out amidst her booty. She spent much of the day ransacking everything under the tree, getting tangled in the tree, and knocking pine needles and ornaments off the tree with various parts of her furry body.

Finally, Christmas light viewing with Madame barks-a-lot.

Cheers to an amazing 2016 with 89 and many more Vegan Shop-Ups as an excuse to consume yummy drinks at Pine Box Rock Shop


If you're not enjoying yourself, you're doing it wrong. Life isn't meant to be "gotten through", it's meant to be enjoyed. Do what you can for yourself and those around you to make this possible. It's never what you thought it would be, it's only what it is; make the best of it.


  1. A lovely holiday was had by 89! The sweaters are so cute. I don't think Remy would tolerate a sweater! I do get him into a scarf, but that's about it. Ha! I'm so jealous of your vegan treats, they look scrumptious!

    1. That's so funny because every time 89 is wearing a scarf, it inevitably trails off and I find it on the other side of the office...or down the street. Hope both of your holidays were happy!

  2. Eeeew! So many adorable pictures of 89 enjoying the festive season! I love the pictures of her under the tree! I'm determined to get my paws on a box of those Vegan Treats cookies next year and I need that HK cupcake ornament!

    1. I wish you a wonderful year with a tin of the VT cookies to top it off! One day I have to document my Sanrio ornaments; I actually have quite a few :-)

  3. You must frame the pic of her gnawing on the little cookie (speaking of which, how many framed photos do you have of this little girl? i would imagine hundreds).

    1. That's funny; I have like 1! Ok, I think 2? Other than that just a painting a friend/artist did of her, and a caricature from the Barkfest. Now I feel like that's not enough. #newyearsresolutions

  4. I have to say, 89 played her cards right when she got you to adopt her. I can't imagine a luckier pup! I say this with great sincerity.


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