
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Vegans: Saluggi's Represents

Imagine you've been eating your way through trekking around the city all day and you've finally made it to your dinner destination, a place that you've heard rave reviews about.  You walk in and the scent of perfectly prepared, New York pizza infiltrates your olfactories.  After a deep inhalation you scan the restaurant: brick walls, red-checkered tablecloths; it's an authentic, vintage pizzeria...only nicer.  And then, imagine if you will, that you see this*.

And then this:

So you peruse the pizza section of the menu and it's pretty much standard, only totally veganizable.  Our small but mighty group ordered two large pies.

Half plain, half artichoke heart:

Half pineapple, half Brussel sprouts.  Yes, BRUSSEL SPROUTS!  And these are no ordinary sprouts, people; these suckers were pre-roasted (or sauteed; who cares which)!  Saluggi's is not messing around.

Serious, bonafide, New York YUM.  Marinara, a fair amount of Daiya (this coming from the over-cheese queen), and the crust just the way I like it: crispy yet flexible; I can't remember the last time I folded a slice and ate it with my hands.  Saluggi's is a must return.

* Ok, so I knew in advance that Saluggi's serves Daiya-fied pizza, but the signs were still exciting.  "Vegans!!!"?  That's me!  Feed me pizza!  Erm, please!


  1. I HAVE TO FIND THIS PLACE! Brussels sprouts pizza?? I was hankering for some today but didn't want to go to Viva Herbal. Plus I have yet to try Daiya! Exciting!

  2. wow, awesome! do they serve vegan pizza by the slice too, or do you have to order a whole pie?

  3. FF: I actually like Viva; they're available by the slice & are pretty generous with their Daiya, but I'm not always thrilled with their crust. Haven't tried Daiya yet? Get on it!!

    Ali: I do think you must order by the pie, but there are personal size pizzas available. It is kind of a restaurant/pizzeria hybrid & there is waitress service, so it's nice to eat in. I should have gotten a shot of the dining room to make it clearer. Oh well, I guess I'll have to go back!


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