
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Vegan MoFo 2012, Gardenburger's Vegan Burger

I'm sure I'm not the only one who was addicted to Gardenburgers as a vegetarian.  Well, guess what?  They now have vegan varieties!

There are a ton of veggie burgers on the market, and it's taken me years to settle on my favorites: Sunshine burgers (southwest flavor), and Don Lee farms.  Yet for some reason (I was hungry), when I spied these vegan Gardenburgers in the supermarket freezer, I decided I had to try them.  I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I was hungry when I went vegan I missed those veggie-laden, vegetarian Gardenburgers I'd previously enjoyed.

It was nice that they were packaged in such a way that acknowledges that not everyone cooks for a family of four.

The frozen burger looked extremely appealing, and cooked up fine with a nice texture.

Unfortunately, it didn't have much taste to speak of.  Let me put it to you this way: it wasn't as bad as the Quorn burgers, but it wasn't good.

Garden burger still makes three non-vegan (vegetarian) veggie burgers- including the original, but in addition to the vegan veggie medley flavor I tried, they also makes a vegan black bean chipotle veggie burger.  That sounds good, but it remains to be seen if I'm going to shell out another $5 to see if it really is.


  1. Abby,

    Thanks for this post. I’m a weekend lover of veggie burgers. Like yourself, I’m very picky with the frozen burgers I decide to purchase. As I’ve tried most on the market, (not including the box of frozen Quorn vegan burger I still have in my freezer from months ago…) my top favorites are, Amy's low sodium California Burger and Dr. Praeger's California veggie burger. Also, as a tip, cook your Dr. Praeger's burger well done as it tends to fall apart easily.

  2. MVG- Congratulations! You've just won a 2-pack of Gardenburgers. Please expect hand-delivery within 3 weeks. ;-)

  3. Abby,

    Thank you, but it's not the Gardenburgers I'm after....

    *see blog dated, October 5th.

  4. I haven't had any gardenburgers in a long time. When I was first dabbling in vegetarianism I used to get them off and on.

    The chipotle black bean ones I recall being really good, though.

  5. I haven't had a frozen burger in a long time. They are nice for convenience sake but I'm never sure if I'll like them or not. Thanks for reinforcing my distrust, ha!

  6. I kind of quit burgers after doing the gluten free thing. My hubby adores certain kinds......I love the smell of them frying! I remember I liked the Amy's.

  7. Abby,

    PS, I always bake my veggie burgers. Who needs all that oil?


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