
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

VMNYBD 1/3: Banana Bread French Toast With Blueberry Sauce

Happy New Year!  January 1 happens to be VM's birthday, so after Hanukkah and Christmas, we still have a reason to celebrate.  We started out the day with a fantabulous breakfast- a recreation of the banana bread french toast from Sacred Chow: "a gargantuan slice of our banana pound cake griddled up with a house made french toast dip, till crispy outside and steamy sweet inside, topped off with Sacred Chow’s blueberry compote."  Behold my version:

I've been meaning to make this for a while, but only remembered with a few days' notice.  OD was kind enough to pick up some bananas for me, but they were not at all ripe enough for banana bread.

I Googled "how to ripen bananas quickly" and wound up with a perfect solution courtesy of the Clean Green Simple blog.  I highly recommend this option for whenever you're in a similar bind (pun intended).

Note that I did make the banana bread two days in advance- both because of time constraints and because I wanted it to have time to firm up in the fridge before frying. 

Yep, frying.  I made the PPK fronch toast batter, cut the loaf into 4 thick slices, and got to work.

Then I topped with blueberry sauce from VWAV (p. 39) and served with maple syrup; it was utterly amazeballs.

89 didn't have any, but even she was impressed.

Happy New Year.


  1. As delicious as it looks - it tasted a million times better!!!! Thank you to my Abby for a wonderful birthday celebration as always... Is 89 adorable or what?? We love her to pieces...

  2. And also our very best wishes for a very Happy and Healthy New Year!!
    VM and OD

  3. Happy Birthday VM! Kiss Kiss!

  4. That looks INCREDIBLE! I've got to get back to Sacred Chow for this, wow. Sounds like Vm very much appreciated it.
    Was there any banana bread leftover, or was it all used as french toast?

  5. Happy birthday to VM. That was some breakfast. I've never heard of the banana trick before — I just hope I can remember it for next time I need ripe bananas. What did you do to 89, plug her into an outlet?

  6. Now the secret is out; VM is a much nicer person than I am!

    foodfeud- I must warn you; I think you'll be horrified by how large the portion is at Sacred Chow; it's humongous! That being said, one regular size loaf netted only 4 hefty slices at home. Nothing I hate more than no leftovers :-(

    Andrea- Thank you! Yes; the banana trick was good since I didn't have time for a paper bag and an apple (and I never have an apple in the house). Ever since winter, 89's little house has been a hotbed of static electricity- an endless source of amusement (and another Homegoods find).

  7. Abby, You cutey face, w a banana French toast, blueberry-maple sauce sweet heart: Thank you!
    Sending u mucho peace & love,


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