
Friday, February 1, 2013

Preview: More Valentines Than You Can Handle

Vegan Treats might be in the far-off distant land of Bethlehem, PA, but they are one busy shop.  You might recall that I bought Christmas cookies at Hanukkah?  Well, it turned out to be a good move since they happened to be out once Christmas rolled around!  Poor me; I had to make due with only cakes and cannolis.  I couldn't run the risk of missing out on Valentine's day booty, so once they started posting the swag I put my family on the case.  Yes, sometimes it takes a village.

I can't resist a sugar cookie under normal circumstances, but pink & red hearts?  Swoon.

VM hates peanut butter and chocolate, but she knows I love it: peanut butter cups!

I don't know what they did differently this time around, but these were even better than the last time I'd had them: the chocolate especially was thicker and all-around yummier.  So.  Good.

And they didn't stop there.  Remember the speculoos bomb that may have trumped the original peanut butter bomb?  Well let me introduce you to the speculoos cup:

Wowza.  I don't know what those sprinkles on the top are, but they are really yummy.

I've thought long and hard about which cup is my favorite, but eventually realized there was no need to choose.

As long as we've entered the realm of candies, howzabout the Vegan Treats' twix "caramel cookie twin sticks"?  Yep; you heard me: cookie, caramel, and chocolate.  It's been too long, my friends.

Also, mounds "swiss chocolate coconut bars": chocolate and coconut.

Oh, and you know what?  They also do Valentine's candy boxes now too.  This is no joke, people; get on this pronto.

I believe this was the medium box.  VT's description: twin caramel cookie bars, peanut butter truffle, marshmallow milk chocolate cup, salted caramel pyramid, coconut truffle, speculoos filled dark chocolate, peanut butter cup, white chocolate rose truffle and two mint filled dark chocolate patties.

Take a closer look at these bad boys with my own, rudimentary descriptions: toasted coconut cream, milk chocolate with marshmallow cream, chocolate-encased mint, chocolate peanut butter cheesecake truffle, mini-PB cup, dark chocolate caramel, another mint, Speculoos truffle, and white chocolate with chocolate cream filling.

I had every intention of photographing each chocolate individually, but once I started noshing I couldn't bring myself to pause for photography. 

I may have also gotten the small (but mighty) box.  In my defense, the flavors were different; what was I going to do, not try them?  "triple peanut truffle, caramel pecan turtle, hazelnut praline dark chocolate, and milk chocolate mocha staircase."

Vegan Treats is an amazing bakery.  How they've managed to expand their offerings to include such fancified and decadent chocolates defies logic.  It's magic!  If you can't get to the shoppe, do yourself a favor and buy some of their amazing offerings online.

As for Valentine's Day, don't despair.  It's early; there's more to come.  I say, THERE'S MORE TO COME.  Don't read that unless you're my parents, a.k.a. my sweets suppliers.  Or do.  I'll DM you my address.


  1. Ha, I love that (plate? napkin?) - "Happily dying of chocolate." Cute. AND I think you may have enlightened me (well, in more ways than one): Is that what Twix stands for?? Twin sticks?? It wasn't until that moment that I realized I have always wondered.
    How is the mounds bar? I used to love those but the inside on this one looks a little homogenous - not as actual coconut flake-y...

  2. foodfeud- I didn't pick up on that! Those are just Vegan Treats' descriptions (guess you can't use a trademarked name?), but you're probably right about the origin. The mounds bar is much better than it looks; I really couldn't capture the coconut well in a photograph, but it was moist and very coconut-shreddy.

  3. I was there today for the very first time, they made me a pretty sweet "sample" for my wedding cake and I brought a ton of stuff home for more "tasting" (ie. my family and I annihilated a box of cakes). Was convinced to go try them based on your reviews. so thanks for that!

  4. Melios- Congrats! I think I would get married if it meant having a Vegan Treats wedding cake. Wait; who am I kidding? They're not going to ask for proof; I could just order one, eat it, and no one would be the wiser! They are fab; I hope you loved everything and make a good choice.

  5. OMG Abby get out of my head! I have also always said that is the ONLY reason I would get married but then realized how would they know if you come in for the tasting??? So, perhaps when we go redeem the gift card (yes, you are joining) we could try out this little ruse. The only problem is that they know you and might be suspicious where you suddenly got a fiance from. Hmmm

  6. Oh Ali, you misunderstand. I'd go so far as to order an entire wedding cake and eat it myself. Let's make a date! Spring? #nomarathonsallowed

  7. Speculoos in a cup? Consider my mind blown. Must try and recreate these at home. If I can get past the stage of putting my spoon in the speculoos, then my mouth, then repeating steps one and two until the sugar overload is too much...

  8. Joey, I know what you mean. I hide my Biscoff spread in the back of the pantry. Have you ever used it for a fluffer-nutter? DIVINE.

  9. Thanks! I say go for it, fake a wedding. The most satisfying part was, that I had a mental idea of what I wanted the flavor I told them to taste like, and It actually tasted EXACTLY like it was supposed to in my mind. The bonus is, we are doing a dessert table so we are getting alot of different smaller desserts, warranting more trips for tasting things between now and september. 3 hours round trip for pastry? no problem....

  10. Melios, A dessert table? I'm crashing! My travel time to VT is 2 hours round trip; it's definitely worth it. And if you think it's not, just bring extra home. Not that it ever makes it there, but you can freeze their stuff and it defrosts beautifully.


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