
Saturday, October 26, 2013


Have you been to The Best Ice Cream Shop in the Universe?  It’s located at 516 East 6th Street between Avenues A & B and it’s fabulous.  ALL VEGAN, of course.

Even if you discount the tidy, detail-oriented shop (the table and floors are particularly stunning);

Even if you’re impervious to the delightful demeanor of the owner and staff; even if you’re thinking it’s too cold for ice cream (it’s totally not); you can deem them the best based solely on a peanut butter scale.   

There are staples like peanut butter fudge, peanut butter chip, and the elusive peanut butter fudge chip.  There's also peanut butter and jelly if that’s you’re thing.  And now, there's vanilla with crunchy peanut butter swirl.

So good that I made a sundae of it alongside peanut butter chip ice cream with hot fudge, cookies, whipped cream, sprinkles and a cherry.

Aaaand, brought a pint home for VM.  It reminded me of a nutter butter ice cream she loved from an ice cream shop next door to her local supermarket where she used to buy a cone before shopping and eat it all by herself.  Yes, I went there.  It's scandalous behavior!

But, let us focus on the ice cream (she shared).

I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that you-know-who was immediately hooked as well.

Fan, or total glom?

You decide.

There's still more...and even tall dogs can't open the freezer.

Get there now!


  1. Did you share the cone or did 89 get her own? The sundae looks so good - the flavors really appeal to me. Next time I'm in NY i'll meet you there. :)

  2. Now that place looks appropriately named.

  3. I had a cake batter and pumpkin swirl the other day. It sounded strange but it worked! Such a cute place.

  4. Yes, yes that really is the best ice cream shop in the universe. I seriously think anything with a cherry on the top is heaven.

  5. Gotta get there! As much as I enjoy the soft serve from Vegan Treats, I have always been more partial to scooped ice cream. I was supposed to be in the city yesterday and today, but a cold sidelined me.

  6. Love that place!! I was sooo relieved they finally reopened after the whole lula's fiasco earlier in the summer- i must try that peanut buttery one though....

  7. Oh, peanut butter and chocolate are a match made in heaven! I wish I didn't live so far away. By the way, 89 looks like she could be my dog's sister. Give her a pat from us. :-)


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