
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Stuff I Ate Yesterday (Mostly Vegan Treats Christmas Cookies)

You may have heard that Vegan Treats offers traditional cookie assortments around the holidays; this year they were available for delivery!  If you took advantage of the opportunity, I salute you.  If you missed it, this post is for you; make a note for next year.

"Peace to all beings this holiday season"

This was the box that was waiting for me at my parents' house a few days before Christmas.

And this was the box that was waiting for me at home!  Such a shame that dogs can't eat cookies…

Now I'm just going to bombard you with individual photos; trust that one was more delicious than the next.

Snowflake sugar cookies:

Chocolate Krinkles:

Maple logs:

Red velvet cookie sandwiches:

Samoa: this one was a new one for me, but it was definitely a new favorite.  Yes, that's caramel in the center!

Pecan snowballs:

Festive sugar cookies:

Marzipan bon-bons:

Classic chocolate chip:

Peanut butter truffles:

Strawberry cream cheese empanadas:


Hazelnut praline chocolate cookie wafers:

and raspberry thumbprints:

Because it's hard to go into Vegan Treats and resist buying everything, they also got a few other things.

Raspberry kiffles:

Chocolate-encased angel's food cake donut:

Triple chocolate donut:

Raspberry jelly donut:

Pecan bun:

Lest you think I didn't make sure to fit dinner in as well, behold VM's macaroni:

My garlic bread:

And: because if one pasta dish is good, two are better:

More on this later, but note the festive coloration.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

At this time of year when we spoil our pets even more than usual, please remember those that are not so lucky. Donate your time or goods to shelter animals and foster or adopt if possible; it will be the best gift you give yourself. 

**Always keep your eyes open for animals in need of your help**


  1. No, I unfortunately didn't know Vegan Treats had a cookie assortment for mail order. I will definitely order that next year.

    I love the Tree & 89, but can't help but also admire the archways. Wish I had those in my house.

  2. The truth is I've always enjoyed looking at cookies more than eating them (I know. I know.), and your vegan treats cookies were a real feast! 89 is adorable as always — the tree wouldn't be the same without her!

  3. My daughter and I squealed when we started reading your post and saw all those treats...and finished by squealing at the cuteness of 89 and her friends under the tree. Adorable!

  4. The Shenandoah Vegan- Thanks! My house was built in the 30's and I pretty much chose it based on the archways and doorknobs.

    Andrea- I should have mentioned that she mostly ignores the tree...except for the once a day when she propels herself into it to either chew on a branch or drink the water (gross).

    Linda- So glad you both enjoyed!

    GlutenFreeHappyTummy- there are a few remaining and I haven't tired of them!

  5. And a happy (belated) Chrimbo to you and 89! You won the whole day with those cookies. I don't suppose Vegan Treats have any online recipes anywhere? Until then, I'll be licking the screen.

  6. Oh my goodness, the cookie box!! I'd seen it on Instagram but it looks even better here. next year I may have to make my own cookie boxes!

  7. i think i was salivating at the computer looking at these photos

  8. Hi- your insightful cookie blog was a treat. I have a question about the strawberry empanadas cookie, can you say if it was a butter cookie or cream cheese cookie that was filled with the jelly? Thank you.

  9. Anonymous, I couldn't say. I'm sure Vegan Treats can answer that question for you.


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