
Monday, February 3, 2014

Surf Sweets' Valentine Fruity Hearts and TruJoy Sweets' Organic Fruit Chews

It's been a bit of an odd start to February in the northeast: first, two days of mild weather; now, snow that doesn't look to be letting up any time soon.  But, no matter what's going on outside, it's candy month for sure.

I was contacted on behalf of Surf Sweets, who you may already be familiar with as a company that makes vegan gummy/jelly candies (as well as non-vegan options), with an invitation to review their organic, vegan fruity hearts.

"Surf Sweets is the country’s leading brand of fruitfully delicious, naturally good gummy candies and jelly beans made with organic and natural ingredients and without any artificial colors and flavors. Surf Sweets is also a proud member of 1% for the planet.  As a member, they donate a minimum of 1% of the sales from products to a number of environmental organizations. Surf Sweets currently offers a variety of mouth-watering candies: Fruity Bears, Gummy Swirls, Sour Berry Bears, Sour Worms, Fruity Hearts, Gummy Bears, Watermelon and Peach Rings, and Jelly Beans, that are available across North America.  Visit" 

As someone who has quite a love affair with red candies, I was anxious to give these a whirl.

"Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be the same without sharing a sweet indulgence, but that doesn’t mean they have to be treats full of artificial ingredients. Red-dyed and artificial flavor filled candies have been the conventional Valentine’s Day treats for years. Now, leading brand of naturally good gummy candies made with organic and natural ingredientsSurf Sweets, offers healthier and delicious candy swaps to spread sweet love. As consumers are becoming more aware of what goes into their food, they’re looking for healthier choices that still taste great – and have the same holiday spirit as the conventional option. Surf Sweets Fruity Hearts are certified organic watermelon and cherry heart-shaped gummies, and one of the only, all natural, vegan, and organic Valentine’s Day candy options available."

I noticed immediately that there seemed to be two flavors, as some of the hearts were pink and some a slightly deeper red.  While I couldn't discern anything specific from either beside divine, candy loveliness, I remembered that the flavors are actually watermelon and cherry…and phenomenal.  [UPDATE 2/7/14: I've bought more and can definitely taste the difference between the flavors.  I think I like the cherry better; I assume it's the redder heart.]

From the first bite I was hooked on these, so I brought them to VM to gobble as well.  She was a huge fan of gummies and jellies before we knew what gelatin was and how unethical and purely disgusting it is.  Since these are extraordinarily delicious as well as completely vegan, we scarfed them up with abandon!

In fact, everyone was vying for these candies: including 89.

not intended for dogs!

I've already been raving about them to whoever will listen, and a friend was able to pick up a bag at his local Whole Foods this weekend.  I advise you to hurry; I don't expect them to be available long once people realize how yummy they are.  Because they're as adorable as they are delicious, I had the highest hopes to make something festive with them as decoration.  Unfortunately, they all wound up in my piehole long before that was possible.  For more reasons than one, I need more stat.

In case you're wondering (and so you don't make a mistake), this vegan info is from their FAQs page:
"Are your products Vegan?
Seven of our products are Vegan (Fruity Bears, Gummy Swirls, Sour Berry Bears, Sour Worms, Fruity Hearts, Peach Rings and Watermelon Rings )."
Since their vegan products are so spectacular, I don't know why Surf Sweets still makes non-vegan items.  It would be just grand in my book if they'd ditch the pork gelatin in their other products and go completely vegan.  Just a delicious and compassionate thought!

In addition to the outstanding fruity hearts, I also received a bag of organic fruit chews from TruJoy Sweets to try.

They look kind of familiar, don't they?


I was never a huge fan of these types of candies that require considerable chewing effort, but they looked relatively appealing.

To my surprise, the orange was my favorite- followed by the cherry.  I didn't care for the strawberry and VM stole all the lemons.

TruJoy currently has a product line of two items and they are both vegan.  These aren't necessarily my cup of tea, but if this type of candy appeals to you I bet you'd really enjoy them.

Bottom line, choose your favorite or try both; 'tis the season after all!

It's definitely not too early to think about Valentine's candy.  After all, Easter won't be far behind.


  1. Surf sweets offered me candy, too, but I declined, thinking I probably wouldn't like them. BUT, I went to Whole Foods and bought some anyway to use as decorations on a cake. Everyone seemed to like them a lot (except me) and they created a festive look for the cake. They were a big hit with the kids, and it's nice to know they are a lot healthier than most candies.

  2. Yeah, gelatin disgusts me almost more than eggs. Ugh! I shudder.
    So glad there are delicious alternatives, though, because I really did used to love chewy candies. Starburst look-alikes I enjoy but might stay away from, just out of fear of what they might do to my teeth. Were they painfully sticky?
    Love how you parted the Red Sea of sweets.

  3. I happened to buy these a few weeks back at my Whole Foods. I ate them so quickly I didn't even realize there were two colors/flavors. Yum yum yum

  4. Andrea- all the great attributes these candies boast definitely make you realize how gross most processed candy is.

    foodfeud- eggs vs. gelatin; that's a toss-up! The vegan Starbursts were not painfully sticky, but did require excessive chewing. Ha- that was the only way I could assure myself that I wasn't crazy about the 2 colors (or I could have just re-read the packaging).

    Vegan Vagina- right? Too good. A smart person with more self-control than us made adorable cupcakes on instagram...maybe next time they'll make it that far in my kitchen.

  5. I will keep an eye out for these next time I'm in WF's candy aisle.

    I'm flummoxed that there is a Vegan Vagina. How does that work exactly?

  6. The Shenandoah Vegan- a vegan vagina works just the same as a regular vagina!


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