
Friday, February 7, 2014

There Is No Such Thing As Too Much Terri

I know; we've discussed this before.  But, it never gets old!

OD has been making more trips than normal to his dentist of late, so it's been pretty much a windfall of Terri riches at my house.

On the day of the mid-January snowstorm it took me 3 times as long as usual to get home...

But, I arrived to a whole Terri feast!

Of course, my favorite chickpea tuna melt: "chickpea salad, Daiya cheddar, tomato, red onion, veganaise" with potato salad.

These sandwiches are so great that I rarely bother making my own chickpea salad anymore.  And, the Terri version is always assembled strategically so that each bite has a little bit of everything:

Truth be told, though: after 3 hours in the car I actually started here: with a Butterfinger shake and a chocolate chip cookie.  Judge not!

He had to go back to the dentist soon after (I swear I'm not behind it), so I excitedly requested placed an order for breakfast sandwiches: bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches with hollandaise sauce on an English muffin, to be exact.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize that these were only served (daily) until 11am* and- after spending hours in the chair he didn't make it.  Damn!!!

Luckily, Jennifer Jessica was kind enough to sub the normal "sausage" for bacon in their served-all-day breakfast scramble wrap of scrambled tofu, Italian "sausage" bacon, spinach, Daiya cheddar, hot sauce for me.

I'm not generally a fan of wraps, but I was impressed by this one- which was huge and packed tight with deliciousness.  I think I mainly don't like wraps when that's all I'm tasting, and that definitely was not the case here.


I actually ate my second one (no sense in him carrying only one home) for dinner a few nights later because it was way too big for a weekday breakfast.  I see now that there's a reason this is a lunch offering.

Thanks for the message, Jennifer Jessica!  And for customizing my sammie.

He'll be back before you know it, Terri...

*make a note!


  1. Well, I want to comment on your good food fortune but I feel it would be crass, so instead, I send my sympathies to OD on his dental woes. He must be a most amazing and thoughtful person. I'd probably be too upset to do anything but get to the dentist and home again. :)

  2. Amazing! I missed Terri while we were gone. We walked past it yesterday, but we were on the way to our friends' house so we didn't get anything. That, and we are on a tight budget right now! Can't wait until one of us gets a job so we can go to Terri!!

  3. I'm with Andrea. If I'm at the dentist no one is getting any treats! He must really love you bunches. I'm not sure how you enjoy ice cream and milkshakes when it is so cold and snowy.

  4. Andrea- He's a good sport. I'm secretly convinced he eats 12 Terri sammies before he heads home.

    MollyG- I'll probably see you there!

    The Shenandoah Vegan- ha; he'd be happy to read that, but he doesn't read my blog!

    susan- I have to admit that the last shake left me frozen for hours, was so delicious that it was worth it!

  5. It is snowy here, too and icy! A bit of mess so far…trees fell apart, landed at some areas, Wi-Fi went bonkers, etc. I love the 2nd photo, the falling snow…beautiful! Wow that is some yummy chickpea tuna melt….I want some! And yes, that was a massive wrap, but look at the charred lines! Have a great week x

  6. No snow here, and no awesome sarnies either. Only one of these is definitely a bad thing, I think! Also, that milkshake makes me happy and sad at the same time - happy such things exist, sad that they don't exist near me.

  7. Terri feast!!! That sandwich looks SO great and I can hardly even deal with the snowy 89 pic - waaaay too cute!


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