
Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day: From Pancakes to Ice Cream

If there's one thing my dad and I can agree on, it's pancakes.


He ordered chocolate-chip pancakes for Father's Day brunch, so to shake things up a bit I decided to make a double recipe of the puffy pillow pancakes from Isa Does It (p. 253) instead of my favorite pancakes from Vegan with a Vengeance.

They were really yummy and certainly fluffier than my usual, but no where near "just under an inch thick" as suggested in the recipe and corresponding picture.

To make things a bit more exciting, I made a raspberry sauce that was adapted from the blueberry sauce recipe in VWAV (p. 39).

 Quality control:


My sauce receptacle was a bit too small for the half batch I'd made, so VM- lover of all things raspberry, got the windfall of what was left in the saucepan once the creamer was filled to capacity.

I'm not a huge raspberry fan, but the sauce was really good; I did wind up adding a little to my river of maple syrup.

OD got a plate-sized pancake with a chocolate-chip initial.

And, the leftovers.

For dinner, VM made pasta (capers for me only).


I made garlic bread.


And a salad for good measure.


 89 chowed down on some Romaine as well.

And, even though we really shouldn't have, we had dessert.  Coconut Bliss ice cream: salted caramel & chocolate and chocolate walnut brownie.

Is anyone else driven crazy by the fact that Coconut Bliss doesn't do a very good job of describing the flavors on their pint containers?  "chocolate hazelnut fudge" doesn't begin to explain the magic contained therein.  So, my revised descriptions are as follows- salted caramel & chocolate: creamy caramel ice cream swirled with salted caramel ribbons and melt-in-your-mouth chocolate shavings.  Chocolate walnut brownie: rich, dark chocolate ice cream boasting large, chopped walnuts and decadent brownie bites.


P.S. There may or may not have been some Sweet Ritual salted caramel sauce involved as well (more on that soon!).

Finally, here's 89 swiping a present for her...that somehow got mixed up in my dad's Father's Day gift.   Funny how that happened!

Hope everyone enjoyed their day as much as we did.


  1. Those pancakes look good!, even if they're a little deflated. Nina's dad wanted oatmeal cookies for breakfast, but we had a giant bowl of cherries sitting around so I made black forest smoothies to go with them.

    Finally tried Coconut Bliss ice cream for the first time last week - chocolate hazelnut fudge. Good stuff. Your description of the salted caramel & chocolate gives me a reason to polish off the first pint and make room in the freezer for other flavors.

    1. Good thing they only go on sale every once in a while (that's why I splurged for two flavors this time!), but really: there should be a better description. "Salted caramel & chocolate" could have meant 2 flavors ice cream swirled for all I knew; these details are important when making a dessert decision! Hope your day was great too!

  2. I have been craving pasta! You're dinner looks so great! 89 is too cute!

  3. You're pasta looks so great I've really been craving pasta myself! I need to find salted caramel coconut bliss! 89 is so cute!

  4. Righteous Pancakes. I need to make that recipe ASAP.

    So sweet seeing 89 celebrate with her Grandfather.

    1. They're definitely buds. And, I should have noted, she didn't take her toy out of his bag until it was time to open presents, so extra credit for 89!

  5. Between the chocolate chip pancakes and 89, I want to jump into this post! Deliciousness and cuteness all in one!

  6. I love the B in the pancakes! Nice job. Beautiful sauce too.
    The coconut ice creams both sound awesome. I rarely buy ice cream so I don't have that particular problem with descriptions, but it's hard to have any problem with ice cream.

    1. Good point, but they definitely do themselves an injustice. Some descriptions are obvious, but some could use a little more information. I like to know what I'm getting! Glad you had such a nice celebration as well.

  7. The pancakes really do look soft and yummy — just the way pancakes should look! And I like the way you kept the breakfast and dinner color coordinated. I have a question about the charming 89. Does she have her own closet? :D (You should offer your writing services to coconut bliss. Your description of the salted caramel and chocolate ice cream made me want some.)

    1. 89 doesn't have her own closet, but she has a couple of drawers as well as hooks in the coat closet! Pictured is her Father's day dress; she wore the Mother's day dress in that post :-)

  8. nothing better than waking up and remembering that you have leftover pancakes :D

    1. I hope they enjoyed! I sent them all away so I wouldn't have a pancake incident.

  9. Why haven't I tried that pancake recipe yet?! Everyone raves about it and I love pancakes! I wish we had such great store-bought ice cream flavours here, almost every brand just does chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. So boring!

  10. What do you mean 'even though we shouldn't have'? Yes, yes you should. There is never a time when ice cream is bad, except maybe if you're in the Arctic. It's probably still good then. Salted caramel for me, all the way.

  11. They look great! My favourite pancakes are from Isa's Vegan Brunch (the 'perfect pancakes' but I also like the gluten free ones), I think I tried the Isa Does It ones but they didn't turn out like I'd hoped because I did something dumb. Salted caramel coconut icecream is awesome, I haven't tried Coconut Bliss (don't think it's available in Australia) but we have Zebra Dream which is delicious.


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