
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Pride Enjoy Radical Rainbow Cookies

We had more than our fair share of fun at the July shop-up at Pine Box Rock Shop, but one of the best moments was when I was chatting with the owner/baker from Pride Enjoy.


There I was, minding my own business whilst winding my way through a surprisingly busy summer shop-up when these radical rainbow cookies caught my eye. Much like when the woman working the adoption event when I first saw 89 immediately handed her to me and that was that, Janel noticed the look of love in my eyes and immediately offered me a beautiful sample of her gluten-free, vegan version of what is possibly my favorite cookie.

While I was mmming unabashedly, I managed to impart how much I love rainbow cookies and that, because they're so much work, I've only made them once. Janel understood and responded that there was a blogger who had written a blog called Rainbow Cookies Should Cost a Million Dollars a Pound.


So cool.

As it turned out, my Pride Enjoy rainbow cookies suffered through about 6 hours of heat as we were having so much fun in the new outdoor seating section of Pine Box that we didn't want to leave. While I wouldn't recommend such treatment of these luscious cookies, it does explain why they didn't look as pristine when I ate them that evening as they had upon purchase. However, the taste was not affected!

By their own account, Pride Enjoy is "an alternative baking company that specializes in all-natural, plant-based, and allergen free cookies." I can't seem to find an explanation of the clown on the packaging (clowns!), but I'm willing to overlook it if they keep churning out these delicious cookies.


  1. That's funny how the baker mentioned an article you had written without knowing she was talking to the actual author.

    I had never heard of rainbow cookies before!

    1. It was definitely one of my coolest blogger moments! WHAT? They're amazing! You have to try them soon.

  2. I know your love of Rainbow Cookies. These new ones look very high quality. The colors are strong.

    1. I'm never making them again. Ever. The only reason to make them myself is so I can eat the whole pan without anyone knowing, but I'm pretty sure this baker wouldn't rat me out.

  3. Exciting! And probably delicious. I hope I see these around at some point... and get offered a free sample :)

    1. When she pulled the bakery box of impeccable samples out I positively swooned! Also, I was secretly hoping to run into you that day...

  4. I'm willing to forego the clowns if it means more amazing cookies in the world. It's a trade off I can handle.


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