
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Red Rabbit Bakery, Vegan Austin TX

Even though we were having an amazing time in San Antonio (over a year ago!), we couldn't justify being in Texas without visiting Austin. So, we took a road trip and our first stop was Red Rabbit Cooperative Bakery.


At the time, they were operating out of a food truck alongside Unity Vegan Kitchen, vegan-friendly Taco 'Bout it (now closed), and Americano Tattoo.


Judging by their website and facebook page, it looks like they're available all over now! This is most excellent, but not surprising news. I've eaten more than my fair share of donuts in this lifetime and Red Rabbit's were some of the best: particularly this Austin Creme (get it?).

So good, in fact, that the three of us had a hard time deciding which donuts to omit from our order...

Clockwise from left: mexican chocolate glaze, raspberry filled, apple fritter, cinnatwist, Austin cremes, pistachio. What can I say? We didn't hold back!

We considered making use of this card, but even we couldn't justify 4 donuts/person.

Besides making amazing donuts, Red Rabbit vastly increases their awesomeness as a co-op:

"Red Rabbit Cooperative Bakery is equally owned and controlled by its workers. Our goal is to uphold the principles of a cooperative while creating superior vegan products that appeal to vegans and non-vegans alike. Through our food choices, we want to positively impact the earth and its inhabitants. We select our ingredients with care and consideration because we believe that the quality of all food should exceed the conventional standard. So, follow us down the rabbit hole!"

Wherever you may find them, do not miss these incredible donuts if you're in the Austin area!


  1. So sad I didn't know about this place prior to my visit last week! All the more reason to go back, I guess (but not in the summer...too hot!!).

    1. I know; I'm the worst! If I were a timely blogger you would have known to partake!

  2. Better than Vegan Treats? They sure look it.

  3. Oooh they look good. And if you say they are, I'll believe you. You are an authority on vegan donuts.

    1. Well, everyone has to be good at something ;-)

  4. Cripes, those are some good looking donuts. How do you manage to find so many good vegan sweet treats? Have you got some amazing treat-sensing superpower?!

    1. You know, I think I might? Actually, I just scour blogs before traveling!

  5. They're so good. We tried a pink lemonade one today.

  6. I think Red Rabbit has the best doughnuts!


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