
Friday, May 13, 2016

How I Ruined Mother's Day with the Flu

When you're lucky enough to be a healthy person, you sometimes refer to having a really bad cold as "the worst." The same might also be said for other relatively minor ailments that pop up along the way: sore throat, headache, etc. But nothing is quite THE WORST as getting the stomach flu. Unless, of course, you get the stomach flu on Mother's Day.

I had all of the best intentions. Her gifts were bought and wrapped well in advance, Netflix sent me Suffragette, and I was prepared to make thick cut, strawberry shortcake French toast

I woke up feeling a little under the weather, but I figured it would pass. I put 89 in her annual Mother's Day dress and we went to pick up some flowers. When we returned, I filled up our M&M bowl with dark chocolate raspberry Little Secrets (more on them soon) because VM loves raspberry with chocolate.

While our guests were en route, 89 waited impatiently as I began to prepare brunch.

The breakfast turned out divine. Or so I'm told. I served the plates and immediately crawled into bed- still holding out hope that the feeling would pass.

When they were done eating and cleaning up (a fine Mother's Day tradition), VM came upstairs to see how I was- just in time for the moment of stomach flu confirmation. It was not my finest moment.

So, that's where the photos stopped. Dinner was cancelled, as was dessert. I spent three days in bed trying to avoid Instagram because there are way too many food photos when you're not feeling well; all I wanted to see were goats! And this nerd.


 Days later, when I was ready to eat, VM delivered some homemade soup from her freezer.

This is an important distinction in my family. While VM makes extraordinary matzoh ball soup, the matzoh balls never pass her lips; she always has a bowl with no balls. That day, it was I who needed a bowl with no balls.

Although it was only a few days, they were rough ones. Instead of celebrating, poor VM was busy momming on Mom's Day...and beyond. 89 put in some long hours as well. My dad had to mow my lawn!

All of this is to say, "Thanks, VM; sorry I ruined Mother's Day. Do-over, please."

Also, beware of germs.


  1. Too bad you were sick, glad it's all over. And you didn't really ruin it, they all got to enjoy that beautiful French toast!
    Hope the do-over is all the better for having some extra time to plan and prepare.
    Looking forward to hearing more about the little secrets..

    1. We've decided the do-over will be going out to eat! Yes, Little Secrets info coming very soon! Spoiler alert: they're amazing.

  2. Am I the only one who thinks that Strawberry French Toast was a ticking time bomb of stomach flu?

    1. As in my parents shouldn't have eaten it? I thought the same thing! I didn't actually vom until they were done, but still...I wouldn't have touched it with a ten foot pole! Neither got sick, so I guess I didn't absentmindedly lick my fingers while cooking. Either that, or they're made of heartier stock.

  3. Oh no! I feel your pain. Alex gave me the flu this winter and it knocked me on my ass for 3-4 days. I haven't been sick like that in years! Worst thing! Your french toast looks great and I'm glad you're feeling better now. 89 looks like she was a nice companion to have while being sick though :)


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