
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dun-Well Doughnuts: Doughnuts Done Well (yes that was too easy)

Last night, I, and about a thousand other hungry vegans, braved the cold and ice to stuff our faces with support Dun-Well Doughnuts in their official launch at MooShoes.  There were boxes and boxes of mini donuts available for generous sampling, in plenty of varieties.

As I was with a group, we were able to try quite a few flavors.  On the top is a chocolate iced donut, to the left strawberry iced, and on the bottom two peanut butter (iced) & jelly (filled).

These are the dapper men behind Dun-Well doughnuts: Dan & Chris.  Some friends and I recently had the opportunity to speak with Dan about veganism and his new business; he is thrilled to be embarking on this journey and I'm happy to support it.

But back to the donuts (sorry, guys).  This is the inside of the chocolate-iced; the icing was decadently chocolate-y and generously applied.

And this is the inside of a Boston Creme: covered with the same rich icing, with the bonus of being filled with a light custard.

But even though I am a chocolate fiend fan, my absolute favorite donut of the night was the peanut butter and jelly; the icing was extremely peanut buttery and the inside was bursting with delicious jelly.  I am very picky about when and where I ingest fruit in any form, but this was fantastic.  I would like twelve one of these with a vat scoop of Lula's peanut butter and jelly ice cream, please; thank you.

Speaking of Lula's, they- the awesomely talented and kind folks behind the magic, were there scooping out complimentary ice cream made especially for the event: Bavarian Cream!  See, donuts & ice cream: not such a crazy concept.

Also there were some fine and extremely pleasant folks from the new, vegan bar: Pine Box Rock Shop, sampling wine, champagne, and potent cocktails.  Yep, you heard me right: ALL VEGAN BAR.  So not only do they have all kinds of vegan wine and beer, but they also make just about any kind of vegan cocktail you can think of; I do believe a bloody mary is calling me (please let it be filled with all kinds of pickled veggies & lots of spice).  Oh and you know what else?  They carry V-Spot's amazing empanadas so that you can drink, eat, and be thirsty again!  For my friends reading, this sounds like my kind of brunch; who's in?

Yep, the evening consisted of all this & so many vegan donuts too!

Another ridiculously successful, vegan, community event hosted by MooShoes.

Dun-Well donuts are expected to be available soon [please see update from a vegan-in-the-know in the comments] at Champs Family Bakery, and Cocoa V.


  1. they'll be available on saturday :)

  2. I guess you like doughnuts much more than you like Mexican food. :D

  3. Dude, I was totally there! You must have gotten there early in order to get whole doughnuts- jealous!

  4. Andrea, I confess: vegan sweets don't last long around me.

    Dianne, we got there at 6:30 (before the donuts), but I confess that I popped in around 5:00 to check things out (and also to shop before it was unmanageable). I have confirmation that they exist in Cocoa V as I write this message.

  5. The Donuts were great, however I don't know if I'm down for brunch at a bar. Why don't we make that a dinner and evening out?


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