
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Vegucating Robin: Cannellini Bean Concerto Stoup

After the success of my spaghetti squash, VM was forced decided that we should join forces to make the inaugural Vegucating Robin recipe, Cannellini Bean Concerto.  If you were wondering where I get my predilection to substitute, she claimed she could make "this" soup without consulting the recipe and by using celery.  Note: there is no celery called for whatsoever; we used the recipe as written.

The actual ingredients.

white onion, kale, cannellini beans, carrots, tarragon (broth unpictured)

VM is a great eyeballer and we have extremely similar tastes and neurosis proportion preferences, so we agreed upon these minor substitutions:

  • 2 cans of beans instead of 1 lb dry (ironically, VM doesn't like things "too beany")
  • 7 small carrots instead of 2 (big fans of them in our matzoh ball soup too)
  • 7 cups of broth instead of 5 (not ones for stingily brothed soups) [update: leftovers absorbed much of the broth so I'd recommend starting with 8 cups]
The soup turned out fantastic, with the unexpected flavor of the tarragon both subtle and unmistakable.  It was really amazing what a few, fresh ingredients could become in a relatively short time.

We are both admitted fans of Amy's canned soups, so this was not only an unusual occurrence, but an extraordinary treat.

This may be one of my new favorite soups; thank goodness there is some leftover.

1 comment:

  1. Abby, this soup look's perfect in every way. The kale is so beautiful, I'm going to forgive the cans.


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