
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah

Whether you're Jewish or not, here are some fun Hanukkah treats you could be eating right now!  To start, Hanukkah Chanukah cookies.  Not sure what brilliant marketer came up with this idea, but ever since I started seeing them years ago at Bed, Bath, and Beyond (yes, really), I haven't been able to get enough.  Who can resist packaging so festive it rivals reindeer and elves?  I sure can't.  And the handy carrying case handle?  Pure genius.  

The accidentally vegan ingredients might not be anything to brag about, but the taste is most pleasantly delicious: shortbread with a hint of lemon; they really hit the spot.

yep; those are cool asparagus spears on my dish

Nothing says Hanukkah like...pasta?  

I bought these adorable dreidel/menorah/Star of David shaped carbs for my parents, but then I stole them back to make Hanukkah mac 'n cheese.  

Since there was a menorah on the label, isn't it implied that it would be included?

I did share; so, that's something.

the sriracha was all mine

I wasn't able to snag any Sweet and Sara marshmallow dreidels or Gone Pie macaroons before the holiday (these holidays are just piling up on me), but I was gifted these fine specimens of chocolate Judaica from a good friend who purchased them from none other than Lagusta's Luscious.

Maybe it was the pleasant blue and white glow of the season.  Perhaps it was the warm intent with which the cute sweets were gifted.  

Nah; it was the cool (natural) blue decoration that wooed me.  I'm not really into plain chocolate (with one glaring exception), but these dreidels are winners by default on cuteness and color alone; well done.

you have to give it up for natural blue

Remember, Hanukkah is a long one; there may be more treats to come.  

gift #1!
Until then, have a happy.


  1. What did they color the blue with?? I feel like I've had those Chanukkah cookies before - they ARE good.

  2. I've got to find those cookies!!

  3. Happy Chanukah! That pasta is a really neat idea. I don't live that far from New Paltz so I hope to visit Lagusta's Lucious some time. The selection looks amazing.

  4. I can't wait to try the cookies you sent! I have very high expectations. Ennis may have to wait until night 3 or 4 for his present...but it will be well worth the wait.

  5. foodfeud- I'm not sure; I think she just said it was natural (blueberries?). The website's down so I can't check. It would have been a nice touch if the dreidels had a label.

    Sarah- get on it; they usually can't behind once hanukkah is over.

    Miss Rachel- To you as well! Although my dad didn't even notice the pasta was themed...

    Ali- Whoa! Lower your expectations to "accidentally vegan" level. 89 hasn't been given her menorah either since she already tore apart her gifts from the first two nights. I'll take a picture for posterity- before the candles are strewn across my living room.

  6. Nice Hanukkah haul, but the one that I'm most impressed with is the pasta. Where on earth did you find it? I've got to get into the Hanukkah spirit and track down some worthy stuff.

  7. Andrea- believe it or not, the pasta is from Homegoods! I know, all my "gourmet" comes from only the finest stores ;-)

  8. i want to try those cookies!! i've never heard of or seen them!

  9. Your family sure does know how to celebrate a holiday. Thanks to you, we had the goods to make a pretty festive meal over here as well.

    One question... did the dreidel spin?


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