
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Shakes on a Train: Parts 2, 3, and 4

I'm a big fan of butterfinger shakes Terri, so when they announced that their second location would be located in the financial district, I was a little disappointed; I'm rarely that far downtown (and it's all about ME!).  VM and I have been obsessed with the butterfinger shakes from their original location from the moment they opened, then expanded our shared affinity to include their chickpea tuna melt and other assorted goodies.


While I wished them a ton of luck, the new location wasn't going to increase my own personal Terri quotient any time soon, so I forgot about it...until it was discovered that my dad's dentist was within walking distance of the new Terri.  Shakes on a Train was born in April when he went for his half yearly cleaning.

Six months later, we all of us benefited again.

My massive chickpea "tuna" melt: chickpea salad, Daiya cheddar, tomato, red onions, Vegenaise. Wrapped: 

And unwrapped:


With potato salad.

About to feed my face.


Dessert time!  Here's 89 blocking my light.

I don't share my shakes!

She tried desperately to make a case for a taste of the banana bread.

And then the chocolate chip cookie.  I can't really blame her because these cookies are awesome; they taste like the giant bakery cookies I remember as a kid.

Gimme gimme gimme!

And then she tried to take a big bite.

not really; it was only a well-timed yawn

VM and I were extremely grateful for the special delivery, and then OD shared the good news that he needed a root canal three weeks later!


So, soon after we enjoyed a repeat performance:





Leftovers the next day for lunch (the sandwiches are massive!):

I've never even had a cavity, so I had no idea that after a root canal you have to revisit the dentist a week later.  You know what that means: he's coming for you again this Friday, Terri FiDi...


He's the guy with his own caddy!


  1. The root canal had me laughing out loud. I'd never seen the humor in them previously. (Haven't actually had one, thank heavens.)

  2. You are CRAZY! Your poor dad. Subway and bus with shakes?
    Sometimes I love that sandwich and sometimes they go a little nutty with the onions. Had a bummer of a soup the other day, sweet potato. I swear that was the only ingredient. Blech!

  3. If I'm to understand this post correctly, your father is undergoing a lot a dental work including a root canal but is still tasked with picking up sandwiches, shakes and cookies to bring home on the NYC subway? I'm assuming he picks it all up after the appointment so the shakes don't melt? I gotta say, that takes some balls to ask someone to do that.

  4. Oh God yr poor dad. But I don't know that I've ever heard "Luckily" and "Root canals" in the same sentence before. Good for you on the healthy teeth though. Don't know how you do it with all those cookies and shakes, though. I wonder if I'll ever make it to either Terri location. Is there room in that caddy for an extra shake for me?

  5. Andrea, He said it wasn't bad, but he's a trooper.

    susan, He is a sport! You are right about the onions; you definitely have to be a little anti-social after you've eaten the leftovers at work for lunch (ahem).

    The Shenandoah Vegan, Simma down now! It wasn't that serious AND he had an escort that trip. In fact, the dentist prescribed him a shake for the ride home. If you're carrying 1, you may as well carry 3.

    foodfeud, I know! Everyone asks me that; I guess I just have good dental hygiene? There happens to be an extra slot in the caddy...

  6. AHHHH 89!!! So cute.

    Every time I get the Butterfinger shake and the bacon cheddar chicken ranch. I'm so boring.

  7. Very good! It's almost making me wish dental misfortunes on your family just so you get to have more of those mind-blowing shakes!

  8. Very good! It's almost making me wish dental misfortunes on your family just so you get to have more of those mind-blowing shakes!

  9. I love chickpea tuna melt :) Miam miam! And that shake and cookie?! I want to try that butter finger shake….I love butterfingers! Aw, what a funny dentist joke!


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