
Monday, November 14, 2011

A Whirlwind of Vegan Food and Coupons!

Join me and VM for another personal NYC food festival...with coupons

First up, free coffee from The Bean for joining their mailing list.  Visit them at their Broadway and 12th Street location until their two new shops open in their old stomping grounds.

Next up, our regular goods from Sacred Chow.  Besides a rather unpleasant experience with the waiter (what happened to that lovely waitress!?), another absolutely delicious meal, courtesy of Living Social.

The weather was beautiful yet SoHo was blissfully empty; I think we fell into a pocket of time devoid of tourists.  We shopped and gallery-hopped for the rest of the day until dinner. 

I'd let my Saluggi's Yelp! deal languish until the last minute, so VM and I had to handle two pies by ourselves.  Contrary to what you might be thinking, when I say "handle" I actually mean carry them home (exercising those biceps); we only ate a slice apiece.  One pie with brussel sprouts, the other roasted peppers and carmelized onions (they're under the cheese); please note that although Saluggi's seems to have removed their dining room advertisements geared towards vegans, they still carry Daiya and make a mighty fine pie.

I know, I sometimes still can't get the orientation right on the iPhone.
Finally, Lula's!  VM had a full card, so her drumstick (a.k.a. chicken leg) cone was free.  My sundae, however, was worth every glorious penny!  Chocolate chocolate cookie, pumpkin, peanut butter chocolate cookie, and drumstick ice creams with caramel topping, whipped cream, and a cherry.  You'll note I had half scoops so I didn't make as much of a pig of myself as usual!

On the way home we swung by Pommes Frites because it was the last day for their 100% free ScoutMob deal

Orange cones had to corral the line stretching down the block, but even though they were mobbed every single fry was cooked to perfection and each employee chatted and smiled genuinely as he worked.  Even better, the fries reheated flawlessly for the next day's dinner!

The onions and jalapenos were still complimentary even though the fries were free.
Who says NY is expensive? ;-)


  1. Hmm, the Bean. They are right across the street from my store and I am very suspicious, as my loyalty is to Think but coupons will make me do crazy things! (Like drink coffee elsewhere, crazy, I know.)
    Brussels and caramelized onions on a pizza sounds amazing!! It's like Thanksgiving pizza!

  2. I can't remember the last time one single day of someone else's eats has incited this level of food envy in me. Also, I'm glad to hear that the Bean fought the good fight regarding their first location...used to live a couple blocks away and loved that place.

  3. You almost make me want to live in NY.

  4. so french fries with onions and peppers are dinner now? Wow how long have you been off the cleanse?

  5. ff- The Bean, besides having a great name, has vegan goodies too... And yes, the pizza is amazeballs!

    Bess- dogs still welcome!

    Andrea- :-)

    Anon- since always, minus a 21 day hiatus. Don't be a hater!


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